Sonal Khilwani, known for her role as Meenu in the popular show “Anupamaa,” produced by Deepa Shahi and Rajan Shahi under Shahi Productions Pvt. Ltd., believes the show’s six-month leap has given it a fresh perspective. “The new story is quite different and refreshing from what people have been watching so far,” Sonal shared, reflecting on the recent developments.
Describing her character, Sonal said, “My character’s name is Meenu. She is a very independent girl who is sweet, kind, and fun-loving. Being an NRI, she is very desi, and I feel every Indian girl is going to relate to it.” This relatable aspect of her character adds a unique charm to the show, resonating with the audience.
Sonal also spoke about her experience working with Rupali Ganguly, who plays the titular character, and the team at Shahi Productions Pvt. Ltd. and Director’s Kut Productions. “Rupali made me feel so comfortable that I never felt this was my first time working with the production house. As an actor, give and take is very important between actors for good output, and I loved the way she carried her emotions throughout the scene,” she said.
Having grown up watching some of the biggest hit shows produced by the house, Sonal expressed her excitement about working with Rajan Shahi. “I have grown up watching some of the biggest hit shows that the production house has given, and it has been my dream to do a show and work with Rajan sir, which now has come true. I am very happy that I am working with them. They are very humble and grounded. All I can say is that the team welcomed me with open arms,” she added.
Sonal has been an avid follower of “Anupamaa” since it began and feels grateful to be part of the show. “Many topics have been brought into the show, making the story even more relevant, and as we continue, there is much more to come,” she said, acknowledging the show’s evolving narrative.
Expressing her love for her work, Sonal noted that with a great team to support her, work has become a joyful experience. “I crave to go daily on the set,” she added, highlighting the positive atmosphere on set.
Sonal Khilwani’s entry into “Anupamaa” has not only brought a fresh perspective to the show but also fulfilled her long-held dream of working with Rajan Shahi and his esteemed production house. With a promising new storyline and her vibrant character, viewers can look forward to even more engaging episodes.