Bhagya Lakshmi 21 October 2021 written update – Lakshmi’s cake gets spoilt

At the beginning of the episode, Lakshmi touches Nana ji’s feet. Nana ji tells her to hug him like Neelam. Neelam feels slighted. Malishka says they must do cake cutting first and then everything else. Nana ji tells Karishma to instruct Malishka not to speak in between when he is talking. Karishma tells Malishka not to speak. Malishka says sorry and says he doesn’t like her.

Nana ji asks Rishi how they will know if Lakshmi can match him or not. Rishi reminds everyone that Lakshmi must dance with him. Lakshmi gets nervous to dance. Rishi whispers to her that there is time in cake arrival so they must kill some time. Lakshmi agrees. Ayush plays the music. Rano comes to talk to Karishma again. Karishma ignores her. Rano tells her to think about getting Ayush married. Karishma goes from there ignoring her.

Rishi tells Lakshmi that he remembered his promise to dance with her as all his promises are cement promises. Lakshmi and Rishi do couple dance on ‘Jeena jeera’. Malishka is jealous to see them. Dadi, Neelam and Virendra are happy to see them dance closely. Everyone praises them. Nana ji says he will decide who is the better dancer among them. He says Rishi is the better dancer, Lakshmi is even better than her. He says Lakshmi was lost in the dance and Rishi. Ayush gets a message. He gestures to Rishi that cake has arrived. Rishi whispers to Lakshmi that cake has come.

Malishka asks Lakshmi for cake again. Lakshmi says she will bring it. Malishka and Soniya make fun of her that she will come back crying that cake got spoilt. Lakshmi brings the cake. Karishma is shocked how Lakshmi got a new cake.

Neelam and Virendra love the cake as it has their wedding picture on it. They cut the cake and give it to everyone. Neelam feeds the cake to Ayush and Devika, but does not give it to Lakshmi who is standing right next to them. She tells Lakshmi to take the cake and also give it to her sisters and aunt. Virendra says Lakshmi did all the arrangements, so she has the first right on the cake. He feeds Lakshmi the cake, while Neelam feeds Rishi.

Guests thank Neelam for the party and praise the desi theme. They say that they miss their culture living out of India. Everyone praises Lakshmi. Nana ji says he will give the same gift to Neelam and Virendra that he gave to Rishi and Lakshmi. He says he will give them honeymoon tickets. Everyone laughs, so he says he was just teasing them. He says he is happy to see the whole family together. He hugs Lakshmi again. Neelam feels jealous.

Ayush asks Rishi if they can go to office a little late. Rishi says no. Ayush says he will strike against this exploitation. Rishi allows him to go late for just one day. Lakshmi brings coffee for Rishi. Rishi says she was the star of the party. Lakshmi says he saved the day by arranging the cake. Lakshmi says people would have only remembered the spoilt cake, but he saved her from the embarrassment by arranging the cake. Malishka hears this and thinks Lakshmi took Rishi away from her.

Virendra tells Neelam that he loved her laughter while dancing. Neelam says she just smiled for a few seconds. Virendra says her stature would not become less if she starts smiling. Neelam says he has started talking too much because of Lakshmi. She shares that she did not like how much her father like Lakshmi. She says that he will be disappointed when he comes to know the real reason. Virendra tells her to live in the moment.

Rishi says he will take the credit for the Superhit party. He sees Malishka going and follows her abruptly. Lakshmi is confused. Rishi asks Malishka what happened. Malishka tells Rishi that he spoilt her plan of scoring points over Lakshmi and tells about their plan. Rishi says she is better than Lakshmi and she does not have to prove anything to anyone. Malishka says he helped Lakshmi. Rishi says he helped her to save his parent’s anniversary. He tells her that she should not become the person she isn’t under Karishma’s influence.

Malishka says she feels bad when he cares for Lakshmi. Malishka is going. Lakshmi calls for Sanjay, so Rishi pulls her back. He covers her mouth. Lakshmi asks who is hiding behind the pillar. She says she will come and see who is there. She goes towards the pillar.

Episode ends

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