Imlie 30th December 2022 Written Update

Imlie 30th December 2022 Written Update, Arto saying he can’t leave his bad habits. Imlie says he has to earn freedom to live freely. Arto says he is feeling sleepy and he requested her to help him as he was drunk not now. Imlie says she is also stubborn and she will get him on right track. She is strong like her mother. He says he is also adamant. She says she will win over him. Devika gets surprised seeing he woke up early.

Arto tries to eat Paratha without brushing his teeth. She gives him toothbrush saying he has to do it first. Imlie keeps eyes on his actions and stops him from doing bad things and tries to instil good habits. He makes excuse later and then locks himself in room. He says he doesn’t want to change his habits. He will again turn into old self when she will leave him so she should stop trying to change him. Imlie tells his parents that Arto doesn’t want to change and she can’t force him. Rudra says Arto doesn’t have the knowledge of good or bad. That’s why he chose Chini and still can’t get over her yet. But if destiny united him and Imlie then the impossible can turn into possible for sure. Imlie should not give up.

Arto comes out of room and Imlie gives him juice. He says she is surely trying to take revenge from him so torturing him like that. She says he doesn’t need to understand her mind but should bring changes in his life. He has to become the inspiration for his siblings but he is upsetting his family members. He should try to behave like a mature person not like a kid. She considers his family as her own so she can’t see their sadness. She tells him to apologise to his parents for his act. She says demerits of drinking alcohol and he says she can’t feel his pain at all. She says he only gave her pain in this marriage so now she won’t hear his taunts.

Imlie calls Rohini and says she wants to join in her own office for work though she is the boss. She says she wants start her new life from there like her mother started. Kia tells Akash that Imlie might give right lessons to Arto, they should not underestimate her. Kia says they should cut off her wings. Shivani taunts Imlie for trying to work in office despite having family issues. Imlie says sometimes thinking good for yourself is not bad. She wants to become secure first to handle her family. Shivani gets irked.

Arpita and Sundar prepare shagun stuffs for Chini and Anu says she won’t tolerate any compromises in Chini’s marriage. Sundar taunts her and Anu says he is taking inspiration from Arpita. Rudra and Devika video call Sundar and praise Imlie how she is handling Arto very well. Anu tries to provoke Chini saying Imlie is ready to help Arto move on from her. Her enemy is winning to which Chini says she doesn’t want to focus on them but she will focus on Abhishek only. Kia and Akash call Arto’s alcohol addict friends and throw a party so that he again starts drinking. Arto’s parents try to stop all that but Kia says they can try to cheer Arto up also Imlie wont be there for him always. Arto celebrates with his friends and enjoys drinking. Imlie gets shocked seeing that. He thinks he has to break her hopes as she is going to leave him soon.

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