Pandya Store 30 March 2022 written update: Shiva, Raavi’s first night

At the beginning of the episode, Shiva came back to his room. He was surprised to see the decoration and Raavi sitting on the bed. Shiva motivates himself to confess his feelings to Raavi. He sat beside Raavi but couldn’t able to speak properly. He took some water and says he can promise to give her lots of love. Shiva removes her veil and says there was only a pot. Raavi came laughing from the opposite side.

A strange woman puts a cross mark on the walls of Oandyat House. Krish heard some noise and thought people came to steal the gate for Holikadehan. On the other hand, Shiva and Raavi spend a good time together. Shiva gifts an anklet to Raavi. Shiva says now he will find her with its sound if she tries to run away. Raavi asks Shiva to make efforts to win her love and till that they won’t step up in their marriage.

Dhara wishes Suman a happy Holi. Then she apologized for making the plan for getting Shiva and Raavi married. Suman forgives her. Rishita came there wishing Suman a happy Holi. Sunan gives blessings to her and told her to take care while playing Holi. Raavi came to take blessings from Suman. She told Raavi she will throw her out if she makes Shiva feel sad. Raavi says she is free to punish her. Shiva came out and everyone laughs at him seeing a big mustache drawn on his face. Shiva was not able to get it. Sunan showed his face. Shiva says Raavi might have done this. Raavi denied doing that. Krish came there wishing happy Holi.

On the other hand, Janardhan’s family got to know about Rishita’s pregnancy from Neighbours. Here Rishta plays Holi with Dev. Gautam was running after Dhara with color in his hands. Shiva and Raavi play Holi together. Pandya’s were enjoying and playing Holi together. Janardhan’s family arrives there with gifts.

Janardhan offers money to an old lady but she refuses it. Rishta, look Janardhan coming over there. Everyone was wondering why he is happy so. Suman ask who invited him? Janardhan applies color on Suman’s feet and congratulates her for becoming a grandmother. Everyone stand shocked hearing this.

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