Anupama 18th June 2024 Written Update – Star Plus

Anuj reviews Anupama’s words that he will leave her, it will be better. Tune plays… He reviews Anupama’s admission, composes something on the paper and afterward tosses the paper in the dustbin. Kinjal and Dimpy request that Baa unwind. Everybody gets back. Toshu carries Ishu alongside others. Dimpy takes Ishu to make her rest. Anupama gives water to babu ji, and Toshu requests that Pakhi hydrate, yet she yells saying she don’t need water. Babu ji apologizes to her and says it is my misstep. if it’s not too much trouble, pardon me, I ought to have actually looked at prior to giving medication. Pakhi says I won’t pardon you. She says I’m not extraordinary like Mummy, Kavya, Dimpy and others, but rather I’m a mother, and can’t bear on the off chance that anything happens to my little girl. She says she won’t push her to death, and faults Babu ji saying she could have kicked the bucket as a result of him. Babu ji says don’t say this, I will pass on. Pakhi says in the event that I in all actuality do any mix-up, everybody fault us, and today you have done botch, I can’t perceive anything to you as you are senior than us. He says you said that it is in almira. She says I told you, that it is there, however you made her beverage it without checking and inquires as to whether he is blissful since she has acknowledged his error and requests that he proceed to rest calmly. Anupama signs Vanraj to stop her, however he is quiet. Pakhi faults Babu ji and says you are matured, couldn’t see as expected so sit in your fantasy, take your kids administration and petition God. She says you need to meddle in each work, and gives talks to each individual. She says on the off chance that you don’t get rest in this age then, at that point, let others rest atleast and says you got me up at late night to get some information about the medication, as opposed to that you might have requested that Dimpy make her beverage medication.

She faults him further and says assuming you had utilized specs and checked. She requests that he do the things which advanced age individuals do, and asks him when he will resigned from home. Vanraj requests that she stop it. Pakhi inquires as to for what reason will I be quiet, in the event that you had halted assuming anything happens to Ansh. She says my little girl could have kicked the bucket today in view of Babu ji. She says Ishani is my little girl, and I’m her mom. Kinjal says she is a mother and that is the reason they are quiet else would have broken her mouth. Vanraj lets Pakhi know that off-base has occurred, yet she will not affront Babu ji. He asks Baa and Babu ji not to meddle and says the moms will deal with the children, and lets that they know all will take care of the children, and requests that they rest.

Anupama asks Vanraj what he is talking about, and tells that whatever happened is off-base and what’s going on now is additionally off-base. She inquires as to whether you understand what you are talking about and you are empowering this young lady and she is offending since quite a while. She says when you do an error, you anticipate that everybody should excuse you, and when Babu ji has done a mix-up inadvertently. She says you can do thousand’s error, yet Babu ji can’t do even one slip-up. Vanraj says Ishani could have passed on. Babu ji cries and overlays his hands. Anupama tells Vanraj that Baa and Babu ji used to deal with their youngsters and saved them generally. She says when you used to work in the workplace, and I used to work in the kitchen, then, at that point, Baa and Babu ji used to deal with kids, used to sit on the bed so the children don’t tumble down and so forth. She says they are God for you, don’t you comprehend seeing his condition, that he is feeling regretful. Vanraj says why you are beginning again when I have finished it. She says I have perceived how you finished it. She asks Pakhi for what good reason you didn’t give medication to your little girl? Kavya says then you love your rest, your little girl was hacking and you tossed her out of the room. Anupama flies off the handle. Dimpy says Ishu was crying quietly so that no one’s rest gets upset. Kinjal says Ansh, Mahi and Pari emerged from their room, yet Pakhi was dozing still. Anupama lets Pakhi know that in the event that Ishu went to emergency clinic, you will be accused. Pakhi inquires as to whether everybody is finished with their talk, and says I realize that everybody will fault me. She asks Vanraj, how might he take uneven choice. Vanraj yells enough and asks Baa and Babu ji not to meddle in children’s matter and requests that Pakhi deal with Ishu herself, and asks Anupama not to meddle in his home matters, and requests that Babu ji proceed to rest.

Baa and Babu ji cries. Anupama tells Babu ji that it isn’t his error, don’t cry. He says Pakhi and Vanraj are correct and he continues accusing himself. He tells that his BP medication costs is a lot, how Vanraj will deal with every one of his costs. He requests that Baa easy route her costs. Baa says we will be in our rooms and will not emerge. She says we can’t be a weight on the children or Vanraj. They feel that they are like weight and cries. Babu ji and Baa go to their room. Anupama imagines that they need to hear so much as a result of her youngsters. Babu ji says it is superior to we will kick the bucket. Baa says it isn’t in our grasp. She gets up and goes. Babu ji takes a small bunch of medication and is going to eat them, when Baa comes and tosses the meds. She says to bite the dust, we will pass on together.

Anupama comes to Vanraj. Vanraj says he would rather not hear anything. Anupama requests that he proceed to meet Baa and Babu ji, and tells that they need him. Vanraj says they are my folks, I don’t have to hear from you. She says Baa and Babu ji are broken and was crying. He expresses out loud whatever do you feel that I could do without them, and asks where was you for quite a long time. She inquires as to why you didn’t stop when Pakhi was offending Babu ji. Vanraj says I comprehend her trepidation, she is her mom. Anupama says it is better that Ishu stays with Adhik as he will deal with her better. She asks him not to give a lot of freedom to her, and says on the off chance that she can’t deal with kids, then, at that point, she will give Ishu’s care to Adhik. She says fortunately Ishu is saved, however don’t be aware until when matured guardians will bear the affront. Pakhi hears them.

Precap: Anuj says she has made tea for Bhavesh, yet he went. Anuj drinks the tea. Later Anuj makes Anupama wear the shoe, and she contacts his shoulder. Adhik comes to Shah house. He lets Anuj and Anupama know that he don’t have any idea what had occurred between us, yet Maan’s romantic tale is unique and not the same as others, and says it will not be incompleted.

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