Anupama 27th November 2023 Written Update – Star Plus

Kavya’s telephone gets turned off. Anupama calls her once more and finds her telephone turned off. Kavya thinks what Anupama was talking about and remembers to return home and call her. Anupama requests that Baa call neighbors and requests that they stop Dimpy and Kavya outside. Kavya is goigng home and sees a kid playing with a pretend rifle. Anupama is on the way in the auto and calls Dimpy, yet she doesnt pick the call. Kavya goes inside the door and takes out key from her handbag. She opens the entryway and gets inside. She finds something unusual and opens the lobby window. Anupama says why no one picks the call, when it is vital. Kavya is going to turn on the light, when Anupama enters in the entryway and yells asking Kavya not to contact anything, as Babu ji has kept the gas open. Kavya hears her and is stunned. Anupama runs towards the kitchen and shuts the handle of the oven and the gas chamber. She takes Kavya out and says thank god, nothing has occurred. Kavya says I felt the weird smell when I entered home, however didn’t understand that it is gas smell. Anupama requests that she sit and brings water for her. She asks her not to stress and says nothing has occurred because of Kanha ji.

Kavya tells Anupama that Babu ji has been failing to remember things now a days, Baa, I and we all saw this, and says we didn’t know something risky could occur because of this. Anupama says God has safeguarded us today and will safeguard in future moreover. She says she will request that Anuj get Babu ji treated by a decent specialist. Kavya says how he will feel assuming he comes to realize that the huge mishap would happened as a result of him and requests that she let them know that she is fine and all is well. Anupama says we won’t tell them. She calls Baa and says gas was off here, all is well. She asks when Mr. Shah is coming. Kavya says I will converse with him today. Anupama says your eighth month is running and the conveyance date is given by the specialist. She says thugs are after Dimpy and requests that they accompany her to her home. Kavya declines saying Barkha and Malti Devi tell that you made the house as dharmshala. She says she would rather remain silent. Anupama says alright, however remain cautiously. Kavya gets some information about others to such an extent? Anupama says I simply ponder my darlings. Kavya gets some information about herself as well, and you contemplate everybody and not about self. She requests that she work on something for herself, and says you have accomplished so a lot, and tells that you need to accomplish your fantasy and I feel that your US dream will be satisfied. Anupama grins and tells that US dream resembles a butterfly, who just took off in the wake of sitting on my palm. She says she feels that this time, she will go to US. Kavya applauds. Anupama sees the plane and grins. Anupama’s tune plays… …

Ankush burps and tells that the food is extremely delicious and says sorry. Babu ji tells that burping will expand the success of the house in our times. Pakhi says your period is finished. Baa says this house flourishing will continue forever with God’s will. Barkha murmurs that you are here because of the flourishing of the house. Ankush lets Anuj know that he is fortunate as his better half makes food as well, while others spouse makes simply faces. Barkha inquires as to whether you are provoking me? Ankush asks did you make face? We are not discussing you. Baa gets some information about Anupama and says she makes pleasant food. Ankush, Anuj, Romil and others hit the table. Anupama says enough. Ankush says it is drum roll. Barkha inquires as to why Anupama goes to kitchen, there are workers at home, and afterward she gives address about freedom of ladies. Anupama says assuming the lady goes to the kitchen with her desire and needs to make nourishment for her family is additionally autonomous, and tells that the lady isn’t free in the event that she wears shirt gasp or current garments, yet she is free with her viewpoints. She says she is essentially as free as the one who makes theplas with her desire. Baa asks Barkha what you does, other than having chips sitting on couch. Anuj doesn’t say anything. Barkha asks what you are talking about? Anuj says I say nothing. He holds her hand and advises her that he needs to tell her 4 days and says I love you Anupama. Anupama says I need to say 5 words, and says I love you, my kapadia ji. She says assuming I had said 4 words that unexpected components would have demolished. Anuj says you are learning.

Choti tells that she doesn’t comprehend anything educator instructs her. Anupama says I will peruse and educate you. Malti Devi says I know and tells that she will educate her. Romil says there is online examinations now a days, and says no one needs to stress. Anuj says OK. Anupama says she will go to class and will enquire about web-based bunch review. Barkha, Pakhi and Malti Devi leave from that point. Ankush and Babu ji come to the couch and sit. Ankush requests that Anuj give him fennel seeds for assimilation. He asks Babu ji how is the food. Anuj brings fennel seeds and requests that Babu ji have it. Babu ji says first we will have food and afterward have it. He requests that Leela serve the food, till he settles on the food decision. Anuj, Ankush and others get stunned. Baa tells that he had food 2 mins back and failed to remember it unexpectedly early.

Dimpy and Kavya play the round of getting toy fish with the attractive string. Dimpy says we will have two young ladies. Kavya says even young men are adorable, however shrewd. Dimpy says no one’s terrible sight will fall on us and says she felt that life finished when the video was spilled. Kavya says Anupama will deal with everything as she took care of the gas spill else don’t have any idea what might have occur. Dimpy says they will be cheerful, it is our new witticism.

Anuj lets Anupama know that the matter is significant. Anupama says in the event that Babu ji fails to remember us, I would rather not lose him. Anuj says we will seek his treatment. They come to the frozen yogurt slow down and gets it. They have the frozen yogurt. Anuj eats it first. Anupama snickers. He then attempts to get her frozen yogurt and it tumbles down. They chuckle. Anuj lets verse know that he has love with her once more. He says he was remembering to leave country for outing. He says after Martin welcomed us for US visit, I figured we will go to America and requests that she envision show skating. He inquires as to whether she needs to come to America. He sees something and expresses out loud whatever the damnation?

Precap: Anuj and Anupama see Romil riding on the bicycle with a young lady. Later Anuj inquires as to whether it was his bicycle, on the off chance that he has driving permit and inquires as to whether he was wearing protective cap. Romil says head protector was holding tight aside. Anupama lets him know that head insurance is significant. She requests that Romil figure how his folks will feel assuming something happens to him, and says I have lost my young child.

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