Anupama 28th November 2023 Written Update – Star Plus

episode begins with Anupama seeing Anuj’s demeanors change and thinking about what he saw.

She pivots to see Romil riding a bike with a young lady where he isn’t wearing a protective cap which stuns her and Anuj.

Anuj flies off the handle and inquires as to whether she perceived how Romil is driving the scooty to which Anupama requests that Anuj quiet down so they can talk in the wake of returning home.

In the mean time, Dimpy and Titu sit and discuss the outfits for the opposition when Dimpy says that she loves to pay attention to music, spiking a groundbreaking thought to Titu.

Titu requests that Dimpy accompany him after she illuminates Kavya that they need to head off to some place together to which Dimpy concurs.

After Dimpy illuminates Kavya about the matter, Titu requests that she show up with him as she will recollect the night until the end of time.

Somewhere else, Romil returns home from outside and spots Anuj and Anupama remaining in the lounge room with serious appearances driving him to get some information about the matter.

Anuj says that an offspring of their family has flown off the handle as he was impulsively driving out and about on a bike that he doesn’t possess and without wearing a cap.

He keeps on chiding Romil, saying that he ought to think often about his life and wellbeing prior to riding any vehicle and he doesn’t actually have a driving permit to drive.

Romil says that Anuj and Anupama are going overboard a piece as he was simply having a great time and everybody in his companion circle drove similarly.

Anupama takes the matter in her grasp and lets Romil know that she knows that individuals of his age like to race and have some good times however they ought to remember that their life is too lengthy to even think about losing.

Romil gets quiet as Anupama inquires as to whether he recollects her terrible her young child a couple of months back with the goal that Romil comprehends how grown-ups feel when they lose their kids.

Anupama adds that they care about Romil and don’t believe he should get injured when Romil embraces Anuj and Anupama, vowing to avoid any such thing once more.

Anuj and Anupama insult Romil a piece about the young lady sitting behind him when Barkha comes and says that Romil ought to irritate just with his examinations.

Simultaneously, Dimpy comes to a sticking meeting with Titu and is shocked to watch Titu play the guitar and sing a melody simultaneously.

Titu’s companions begin insulting him and call Dimpy his sweetheart which makes her leave with Titu coming after her.

Dimpy says that society can’t simply bear her getting blissful while Titu requests that Dimpy ditch society and be glad for herself, causing Dimpy to feel engaged.

Then again, Malti Devi attempts to insult Leela for drinking milk yet Leela places her into her place.

Anuj endeavors to acquire consideration from Anupama by doing senseless stunts after which she embraces him and says that her consideration is consistently on him.

In the mean time, Pakhi and Adhik spot Dimpy and Titu, attempting to become familiar with a dance step together outside and gaze at one another with clear faces.

End of Anupama the present episode composed update.

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