Actors Aly, Eijaz and Hasan wishes Eid Mubarak to all their fans, also share plans and their fondest memories

Eid al-Fitr will be celebrated tomorrow across the country. Muslims are ready with their plans for the day, actors too are all set. Hasan Zaidi, Aly Goni and Eijaz Khan share what special they would be doing today given that Eid during the last two years of the pandemic were not good enough. They also share their fond memories, favourite food, and if they plan to rustle up a storm in their kitchen. Read on:

Aly goni
I am planning to go to Jammu to be with my family on Eid. It’s always special whenever I am with my family. My parents have gone for Umrah, and will be back after Eid, so I will wait till they come back to Jammu. I am a big time foodie but I love the sheer khurma and biryani that my mom makes during this time. But she won’t be there this year so my sister will be making all the delicacies. But once my mother is back I will definitely ask her to make it for me before I come back to Mumbai. I don’t cook much but help my family in the preparations. I have many fond memories of Eid and therefore it’s difficult to share just one. But what’s common in all of them is that me and my sister, Ilham, fighting over Eidi.

Hasan Zaidi
Eid is a special festival for me. This year, I won’t be in India to celebrate, I am leaving for Austria and I have an extensive plan to go to Germany, and then to Spain.  My daughter’s summer vacation has started. Last year due to the pandemic we couldn’t travel. We have a lot to do in Europe. After a while, you know when your kids are growing up, all your schedules are around their holidays, and their school timings. So this is just that simple case and it’s a little sad that I would not be here for Eid, but I wish everyone from my heart. And in today’s time, there is a war happening in Ukraine, there is tension everywhere. So, I pray for those people who lost their lives, are fighting for a better lifestyle, those who have been separated from their country, from their loved ones. I just wish them well and pray that Allah gives them strength. Well, I love cooking, so kebabs happen for sure. Then there’s obviously sewaiyaan, which is absolutely amazing with my mother making it. And apart from that, there are a few other things there that are made like aloo tikkis and all. There is Biryani as well. Sitting with people together you can have the best food in the world but if you are alone you don’t enjoy it as much. During Eid, I make sure that I make kebabs under my mother’s guidance. My fondest memory of Eid is when we were kids, at that time there used to be so much excitement. Getting new clothes like kurtas, pajamas, new jeans, t-shirts of our choice made us happy. There used to be morning prayers where we all used to go together. We knew that once the prayers are over one gets home, you will get sewaiyan and so much good food. Many people used to come and visit us during this time. Getting money or eidi as a kid used to be a big thing for us. At the end of the day we would start counting to find out who got how much. The time spent with family and friends was so special during Eid.

Eijaz Khan
It’s Ramadan Eid, so my brother, father and I will all go for Eid namaz in the morning. Most of the time the celebration is at my elder cousin’s place, and this time Pavitra is gonna be part of this celebration so we all are excited about that. After namaz, we will have sheer khurma and most importantly we will be giving Zakat before that. At this particular time there are a lot of people who actually need it. My all time favourite dishes are yakhni pulao, dal gosht and biryani. I don’t know what Pavitra plans to cook for Eid this year. Whatever she will cook, it is going to be wonderful. This Eid will be very special. We will be spending time with our family, we have been away from our family for two years now. My fondest memory of Eid is when my whole family used to be together, especially my sisters, brothers, brother in law, nephew and niece. This time, they are in Saudi and are not with us, but when my whole family is together that’s the best Eid ever.

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