Fathers Day: Celebs get candid about the bond they share with their fathers

Be it an equation where they are as close as pals, or one where they don’t express much, their dads have always occupied a special place in the hearts of these celebrities.

Maninee De
My dad was a bit of a strict disciplinarian. After I grew up is when I had a very one-on-one adult, very fun relationship with him. He taught me a lot of interesting things like he used to always tell me about the latest fashions. He was a very trendy, very, very fashionable person. I learnt a lot about fashion from him, and learned a lot about international cuisine from him. I learnt a lot about designer brands from him and he was a very fun playful sort of person, but could be very, very strict and authoritarian at times, but towards the end, we had become more like friends. I really wish I had more time with my dad because by the time I became an adult is when I started realising that before, he’s my dad, he’s an individual and you know sometimes when you judge your parents for various things, you forget that they’re human beings. So as a parent, I realise how tough it is to just be seen as a parent and not as a human being. So, I think his personality got humanized.

Aalisha Panwar
I love my dad and share a nice deep and different relationship with him. My father is my superhero. He has always been very cool and he’s not very strict, like obviously he is a disciplined dad, he likes discipline but he never scolds me and my sister, because we are his little princesses.

Rahul Singh
My dad is my idol. I have learned from my father how the path between struggle and success is decided. I have learned from my father to complete some work which I have decided. Although my father was one of the strict fathers. I remember we brothers and sisters did not have the courage to pass through in front of him. I was always afraid that I didn’t know what he would ask, And while as a child I used to eat food with my father. The excitement of his coming from somewhere outside was not less than a gift. But still we never spoke openly except yes or no. He has never slapped me, but in the society, in the village, everyone used to live with him like this, so I had to live like this. Just a few years ago when he came to Mumbai after my little success to stay with us, we got to know how jolly he is. Now we talk for hours everyday, no day is like this: When we do not talk, the topic is the same everyday in the evening, but it is fun, there is a different energy in our conversation.

Ashok Kumar Beniwal
I realised that in the entire world, I was most close to my father only! I had a super strong traditional bond and connection with my father where I was never able to communicate openly and directly with him due respect and his great personality.. like an Indian tradition family, no open discussions were possible between us and we used to talk in small lines when needed. My mother was the messenger for important matters. He always supported me beyond his capacity for whatever I wanted to do! Though I felt extremely suffocated when he set up a quite big business for me and we had to manage things together without having proper communication. He was a very liberal and caring supportive father. Always motivated and supported me to move forward in life, Hard work, honesty and helping nature are the great lessons of his life which automatically transferred to me. I lost my father, mother and elder sister along with 6 relatives in the Kedarnath flood in 2013.

Charrul Malik
I wish not only this day but the entire year should be celebrated as Father’s Day and Mother’s Day. Fathers are always very special to daughters. We do not talk much but the relationship is full of love. So yes, my twin sister Parul and I are very close to our dad. In fact, my father stays with my sister in the US. It’s like 6 months with Parul and another 6 months with my brother. Both of them are staying in the US separately. My father says that we are all equal and he shares a beautiful bond with both of us i.e Parul and i. My father is not talkative. He is an introvert. He can’t stretch the topic. He talks very limited and to the point. He is a very kind hearted person. He was a lawyer and so he was always busy with the cases, studying the cases in the library. Though we were close to mom, our bond with dad is also very beautiful.

Mreenal Deshraj
Ask any girl and she would tell you how important her relationship with her father is. But for me, born in a small town, having my father’s trust and confidence was even more critical, allowing me to spread my wings while he always had my back. If it wasn’t for his never ending support, I don’t think I would be here in Mumbai, living the life I always dreamt of as a kid. I’ve been a daddy’s girl all my life and still am very close to my father. My father is a practical man, protective of his family and our pillar of strength. While my father was strict with all his children; but the truth is that we were all very very naughty and probably deserved to be disciplined. But all credit to the way he raised all of us; he was successful in imbibing values of resilience, perseverance, honesty and integrity in all of us. For this, I respect him greatly and love him dearly.

Yagya Bhasin
We have a lovely bond and he really cares for me. And he loves me a lot. When we shifted to Mumbai and I was still a fresher and had to travel from my place Bhayander to Andheri for auditions, my dad used to skip 10 to 15 crowded trains just So I didn’t have any inconvenience. And my father does come along with me for all my shoots whether it’s indoor or outdoor and he doesn’t take care of himself, but he is always concerned about me. He is always thinking about me. So basically I want to say my father was my real hero.

Nivedita Basu
I think after losing my dad in December 2013, there’s not a single day which is not Father’s Day for us because whatever I think of me and my sister today, is all thanks to our dad. And, of course, it’s both our parents who make us who we are, but I think our father was very instrumental and made us who we are. His discipline or maybe his intelligence had a huge effect on us.

Chitra Vakil Sharma
My father is my only hero. The only man I would look up to if I was in a situation and I was extremely close to him. I doubt anyone can ever take that place or fill the gap. During my childhood, he has always motivated me to do whatever I desire. I don’t remember him refusing me for anything, it may even be a silly demand. He was a renowned doctor and he worshiped his work. As a child, I always noticed him how diligently he would every morning go to work and would have no return time, serving patients and making them smile.

My father is the wind beneath my wings. He has always given me the sky to fulfill my dreams and desires. He is my security blanket even now. With him handling my production house, I know I am safe. We argue and fight as all normal kids and parents but at the end of the day I always listen to him though I might not project it so.

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