From spending time with family to going on vacations; here’s what the celebs are doing for New Year

The New Year is around the corner and plans are being made in full swing. While some celebrities are going on annual vacations, others are making plans with their families.

Payal Panchal: My new year would be a party with my family members in Indore. I do have a plan to go out with my friends to a temple which is just out of the city. My New Year’s resolution would be to try something that scares you or that you always assumed you’d be bad at. Don’t limit yourself to what you think you can do, but instead open yourself up to new experiences once a month that might surprise you. Professionally as a Youtuber, I am looking forward to making new content, exploring new ideas, and creating new opportunities for me.

Aniruddh Dave: This year I am going to be in Goa with my family. We are going to ring in the New Year in Goa. My New Year resolution is going to be focussing more on my craft and work harder to achieve my goals.

Rajit Dev: The best thing I could ask for. I’ll be shooting on the 31st of December. I will be in Ooty for work. But yeah hopefully will celebrate at midnight. It’s definitely my assistant who’s gonna be with me and maybe the crew from the shoot. Have faith in yourself. There will be one day that will change everything. It’s always been my motto, I’ll keep trying till I do not reach my goals.

Nishant Malkani- I have no plans as such but I may visit my friend’s place on New Year’s eve. I am going to be ringing in it with my friends and will be with my family the next day. I am looking forward to a few projects and I hope to get a good response. In 2023 I wish to grow personally and professionally.

Sneha Jain: This year I am not traveling anywhere like I do every year with my friends. This year I am hosting a New Year party at my house. I am going to spend my first day of the year with my family and friends who have always been on my side. My resolution is to give back to our society, teach kids and educate them. At least, I can educate one girl or send her to school. And also do something for street dogs.

Sakshi Dwivedi: I may be traveling to Goa or Dubai for New Year. I am a person who plans things randomly so I am not sure. I want to start this New year with my family but unfortunately, this year I won’t as I am working in Mumbai, so I going to be with my friends. My New Year resolution would be to make myself a better person emotionally, mentally, and physically and work on my craft. And focus on my career and a couple of parameters I lack and also be more disciplined and organized.

Pranitaa Pandit: I am in Goa and Shiny Doshi is also coming to Goa. It’s been a long time since I have spent quality time with my friends. So I am going to bring in the New Year with my friends and family in Goa. I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions because I have broken so many resolutions that I don’t keep any resolutions for years now.

Sudhanshu Pandey: My New Year plans are very simple. I am not going anywhere to celebrate. I am staying home and maybe a couple of friends are coming to my house on New Year’s eve. Otherwise, just two friends and family with my wife and kids. I don’t have a resolution for the New Year’s because I don’t have any such vices that I need to overcome or I need to give up on some habit or I need to do something extra that I’m not doing. I take every day as a new day. And every day for me is the beginning of the rest of my life. So that’s how I look at it. And I put in all the hard work and all my efforts every day. So there is no such resolution. But I’d like to keep working harder.

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