Imlie 19th June 2024 Written Update – Star Plus

Kiara calls her princess mamma. Imlie arises before her. Kairi says Ms Paty’s thought worked. Sai says she can count till 10 assuming that she needs excessively meet her, she will arise. Kairi says when princess mamma is here, Ms Paty is missing as well as the other way around; she needs to see them both together. Chini strolls in and sends Kairi down with a worker. Imlie was acquiring Kairi down some time. Chini requests that she quit gathering Kairi and meddling among her and Atharva. Imlie advises her that she was among her and Atharva all along and depicts every one of the occurrences. Chini expresses lesson of the story is she and Arto rejoin at whatever point they discrete, Arto was rarely Imlie’s and she ought to find her bliss elsewhere. Imlie asks since when Atharva is out of the house. Chini says perhaps 1-90 minutes. Imlie expresses over 5 years, she is here to meet Kairi, they get restless when their darlings are out of the house for a really long time, Chini doesn’t appear to be restless and don’t cherish Atharva. Chini thinks Imlie is correct that she feels restless in apprehension about losing Arto, Imlie can’t grab Arto from her following 5 years.

Imlie lets Dhairya know that she is stressed that Atharva hasn’t gotten back after over 5 hours and solicitations him to call Atharva and find out where he is. Dhairya calls Atharva and says he isn’t picking call. Devika additionally gets strained when Atharva doesn’t pick call. She inquires as to whether Reyansh was additionally present in Atharva’s gathering and requests that he get down on Reyansh and find. Reyansh with Mr Mehta strolls in. Kairi asks who is he. Devika says he is Atharva’s cherished companion Reyansh who is likewise a DJ. She inquires as to whether Atharva additionally accompanied him. Reyansh presents Mr Mehta and says Atharva was in his gathering and left halfway saying he is going for his wedding shopping, they really look at the shopping area and didn’t track down him there. Devika overreacts more. Rudra requests that Akash call Atharva’s companions. Akash says Atharva didn’t get in touch with them for a considerable length of time, he doesn’t have any idea who his new companions are. Devika lashes out on him. Divya requests that she quiet down. Yet again devika cries that her child left her.

Reyansh leaves smiling and reviews how he seized Atharva out of envy when Mr Mehta gives him a music contract. Mr Mehta inquires as to whether family figures out they aer behind Atharva’s capture. Reyansh says they won’t question an individual who got data and says he was administering the music business in Atharva’s nonappearance for quite some time and won’t allow Atharva to take over once more; they will deceive Atharva after the show that hooligans had gone after Mehta’s office and requested a payment, Mehta caused enormous misfortunes, and so on. Imlie strolls to his vehicle considering asking him Atharva’s shopping area and finds vehicle dickie open. Reyansh gets strained seeing her. Imlie requests to open his vehicle dickie. Reyansh gets strained and inquires as to whether she has zero faith in Atharva’s lifelong companion. Imlie says she knows and subsequently asking him with right as his vehicle’s dickie is half open. Reyansh opens dickie tensely and conceals Atharva’s face with a guitar and says it wasn’t shutting because of guitar. He drives vehicle away saying he will ask about Atharva with different companions.

Imlie actually feels something is off-base and gets back. She sees Devika crying and attempts to comfort her idiom she will figure out Atharva. Devika cautions her to avoid anything as she had gone to bring Atharva even quite a while back and got a terrible news, she is nobody to her. Imlie says she is likewise a mother. Devika says she ought to remain away essentially for that purpose. Rudra cautions Devika to mind her tongue. Imlie says let her vent out her dissatisfaction and says basically Devika acknowledged her as a mother. Divya upholds Devika while Shivani upholds Imlie. Show proceeds..

Precap: Imlie arrives at Reyansh’s sanctum and attempts to save Atharva. Reyansh cautions her that she came to free Atharva and put her and Kairi’s lives in danger.

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