On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, celebrities share Gandhiji’s learnings and the ways to follow these today!

Arun Mandola
I heard a story about Mahatma Gandhi that one day he was near a river and he asked Jawaharlal Nehru ji to give water so that he could wash his hand. Nehru ji said there is a river, you can wash there but Gandhi ji said, if everyone will think there is lots of water, they will waste water then that’s not a right thing so my biggest lesson is never waste water. I tried Gandhi giri but these days it’s difficult to handle Gandhi giri. I follow Bhagat Singh.

Rohit Choudhary
Gandhi Ji was a great man and that’s why everyone calls him Bapu. The biggest learning from him is the patience he had. Along with the patience he had dedication as well. To make India free, he never lost his patience and was always behind to achieve freedom. I learned that, to do work you have to give your 100% and you will definitely get the result, though not immediately. Talking about Gandhigiri, once when I was driving, one of the guys hit my car from behind, I didn’t create a scene, rather told him that if he was able to pay then he can or else not an issue I will repair my car myself. Everything is about patience. If you are at fault then just pay for the damage and the matter is solved. The other thing that I learned from Bapu is consistency. Keep doing the work unless and until you do not achieve it. And even I tell my friends and family that they should follow it

Hiten Paintal
The most important lesson I have learnt is that it’s not important to be human but, you should be human and take into consideration other people’s feelings before saying or doing something that could hurt them. Why people react is because they are in a different situation and it’s for others to understand that and that’s being humane. Also, I’m a huge animal lover so being compassionate towards animals is something that I have always practised.

Charrul Malik
I always follow Gandhi Ji’ s saying that is bura Na dekho, bura Na bolo and bura Na Suno. Gandhi Ji always taught us that we should keep moving forward with simple thinking and never hurt anyone. I have implemented his lessons very seriously in my life. His life journey was exemplary. Now the time has changed and there is cut throat competition but still we should keep being ourselves and never do bad to others. His belief was that no religion should have a monopoly on the truth. Mahatma Gandhi certainly encouraged friendship between different religions. He always told the people to do their work on their own without depending on others. I truly believe in the same too. What Gandhi achieved in his life was a miracle. He lived in the hearts of millions of Indians and was respected by all. He laid great emphasis on banishing untouchability, promoting Hindu-Muslim unity, promoting literacy and in the development of a great nation —India. He moved the people with his sincerity and sacrifice. Even after all these years, his principles, dedication and mission continue to inspire me and our country.

Sumit Kaul
Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most inspirational figures in the world. It’s important that we as a generation are able to see him for the individual that he was and not merely his politics, although we as a country are deeply indebted to him for his contribution. But the true inspiration lies in his personal transformation from a man acting out of ambition to a man acting out of love. His personal journey is something we should all know about and should reflect on from the perspective of our own lives. His life teachings would be relevant always, and to everyone, because that’s what our lives are really about, “Experiments with Truth”.

Vijayendra Kumeria
Mahatma Gandhi was definitely one of the most important personalities who collectively led the freedom fighting struggle. His approach towards non-violence was proof that he was a person with conviction. He did prove that all aggressions need not be violent though it can be very difficult to walk that path. I personally feel that most of the thoughts were right except a few which are debatable. There are a lot of sayings that came from him and are documented… such thoughts can come only from an intellectual, wise man… but unfortunately in today’s world most of the people will rather use them as actions on their social media posts than implying those values in real life. This is the bitter truth of the new age society we are living in

Munisha Khatwani
Mahatma Gandhi’s sayings are very relevant and are very apt for today’s generation. We can learn a lot from him. His life was an example of dedication and self belief. He still is a legend and will always be. Every time you look at the note you see him and he is very much alive and still with us.

Saanand Verma
Truth and non violence is what I have learned from Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings. It is very important for humanity that we should all follow his teachings.

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