Pandya Store 21st November 2023 Written Update – Star Plus

The Episode begins with Dhawal and Natasha getting into a second. Kya kahun… plays… He sees the thugs in the room and embraces Natasha. They stow away and run out. They secure the hooligans in the room. Suman requests that Shesh and Mittu call the police. Chirag gets injured. Bhaven requests that he watch out. Isha comes there and stops. FB shows Amrish tossing out Isha of the house. Isha says fine, I will get back when I become something. She says no, I can’t head inside, yet I can’t remain here, how will I respond. Dhawal says I have locked everybody. Hetal says Isha has taken off. Natasha sees Isha at the entryway. She stops Isha and hauls her inside the house. Suman, Shesh and Mittu get the police. Amrish says the criminals are there. Police captures the thugs. The lights get on. Chiku comes. Amba and family get stunned seeing Isha.

Everybody grins joyfully. Amrish yells Isha, how might you venture to return this house. Isha ventures back. Amba expresses pay attention to me, Amrish. Amrish says not today. Natasha says I got Isha here. Suman and everybody look on. Natasha says today Diwali, how might we do Laxmi puja in the event that the Laxmi is out o the house, I was unable to see Amba profound, we as a whole attempted to get Isha home, yet genuine hoodlums returned home and our arrangement fizzled. Amba takes a gander at her bahus. Dhawal reviews Natasha’s words. Suman says Rishita’s little girl is very much like her, I m cheerful, I felt right, Isha has some association with Makhwanas. Chiku reviews Isha’s words.

Natasha requests that Isha fail to remember the distinctions and embrace everybody. Dhawal and everybody grin. Natasha says I realize all of you love Isha a ton, Chirag and Bhaven are yearning to embrace her, they can embrace her now. She requests that Amrish embrace Isha. Cart says this seems to be reckoning of hindi film, will Amrish acknowledge Isha. Pranali says I don’t have the foggiest idea, Natasha does show in each celebration. She insults Bhaven about the family show.

Dhawal proceeds to embrace Isha. They cry. Suman thinks I realized something is off-base. Dhawal asks where did you go, I searched for you a ton, three years is quite a while, I won’t let you go anyplace now. Amrish makes Dhawal away and pushes Isha. Suman prevents Chiku from in the middle between. Chiku asks how might they do this with Isha. Suman expresses shut up, not here. She signs Shesh and Mittu to come. She takes her grandsons and leaves.

Amrish says Isha isn’t our sister, Dhawal. Natasha says she is your sister. Amrish says no, I can’t fail to remember the day when she left us and why she left us, she is my foe, I need to get her captured. Dhawal inquires as to why, having an alternate assessment doesn’t mean she did a wrongdoing. Amrish says she had seized Golu, its an offense. They all get stunned.

Dhawal says it was another young lady, right. Amrish believes what’s going on, Natasha is demonstrated guiltless and my sister is here as the offender. He says OK, I suspected as much, then, at that point, Natasha showed the pics and Kamarbandh, I got an uncertainty, I found out, it was Isha’s pack, Isha had seized Golu. Suman and everybody get back home. She says there is generally a show in Pandya family. She says we neglected, the gifts are here. Mittu says I will get it. Suman says going there won’t be great. Chiku says we ought to go there, how might they affront Natasha and Isha, we ought to have remained by Natasha. Suman expresses pay attention to me, Chiku, check me out. He says no, don’t educate me.

Dhawal plunks down on the floor and apologizes to Natasha for harming her. He holds her hand and says sorry, I have zero faith in you, kindly pardon me. Cart says it’s a decent second, I can’t put it live. Hetal expresses check what is going on out. Natasha cries and figures what to do, on the off chance that I let Amrish’s reality emerge, Isha’s return will get unimaginable.

She requests that Dhawal get up. She says pretty much nothing remains to be grieved about, I have fouled up. Pranali says she generally needs flavor, I m not a piece of this. Natasha says sorry, all of you figure Isha did this, Isha sat idle, her pack got taken, I didn’t have a clue about its Isha’s sack, and I got it home, apologies. Isha thinks for what reason is she misleading recovery me.

Natasha requests that Isha let everybody know that her pack was taken. She says she had told this to me, its a result of me, I m sorry. Dhawal gestures. Pranali says now Isha won’t care to remain in this house, bet on it. Amrish says perhaps it’s a misconception now, yet anything happened 3 years back, it was anything but a misconception, Isha went out, presently she is not welcome in this house.

Amrish says Dhawal brought voice up before me as a result of you, my home will break as a result of you. Natasha says not as a result of you, due to your old reasoning.

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