In the Monday episode of Prateek Sharma’s “Rabb Se Hai Dua”, the audience will get to see that Haider enters the house and he is in a ruffled state. Everyone is happy to see him but they are more in a state of shock as he comes along with Ghazal. Dua cannot believe that Haider who always had a strained equation with Ghazal has actually brought her home. Haider reads the surprise and explains that he brought Ghazal with him because the earthquake has reduced her home into ruins, and she has lost everything.
Dadi notices this. But Dua consoles her and asks her to not feel isolated or lonely, and that they are there for her. Dua is happy and whispers that Haider took the right call, but Dadi is most certainly not gonna be happy. Gulnaaz is enjoying all this.
Ghazal enters the house with her mud on her feet and this disturbs Heena. She panics and loses her balance for a moment, but Haider and Dua take her inside the room. Dadi also drags Gulnaaz inside and Rahat follows her. Rahat tells Gulnaaz if anything goes wrong and the Raaz leaks out then he will give her talaq.
Dua is helping Heena lying down on her bed. Haider is arranging her bed and he sits beside Heena. Later, Dadi tells Dua to ask Ghazal to leave the house immediately. Dua cannot take it anymore and she stops Dadi. She tells her that Ghazal has lost a lot in life and asks her to tell the truth to Haider. She tells her that he will leave no stone unturned to give a comfortable life to Ghazal. Dua wants to discuss it further but suddenly Dadi leaves indicating that she is not interested in it any more. To know what happens next keep watching “Rabb Se Hai Dua”.
Produced under Prateek Sharma’s Studio LSD, “Rabb Se Hai Dua” features Aditi Sharma, Karanvir Sharma, Richa Rathore, and Manuj Nagpal. It airs on Zee TV.