Shaadi Mubarak 1 February 2021 Written Update – KT cursed himself

At the beginning of the episode, Preeti reveals that she does not like cheating at all, KT looks at her and regrets that he too is cheating on Preeti. He talks to Neil about this. Preeti is very happy. Kusum and Kusala also discuss marriage things. Later Kusum meets Preeti. Preeti reveals her happiness to her. Kusum says that she is behaving like she has met KT for the first time. Preeti says she has found her true love. Kusum is happy to see her happy. KT tells Neil that he is cheating on Preeti. He has seen love in Preeti’s eyes. But now he realizes that he is playing with her feelings. Preeti tells Kusum that Kt loves her too. He was sceptical about telling but later he revealed that he also loves her. Even Preeti’s feelings are more important for him than anything.

Preeti shares the heart feels of her with Kusum. Kusum is happy in her happiness. Here KT tells Neil that Preeti does not like cheating in love and is doing what Preeti hates. So he is very worried about what will happen if Preeti finds out that he is pretending to be in love. It will make her completely broken. Neil says if KT will tell her everything. KT says no he can’t do that. He cannot make Preeti unhappy. He will carry this drama on. Preeti and KT come to their room. Preeti sees that her bag is packed by someone. Preeti asks who did this. Kusala comes there. She says she did it. She tells them that they are both going on the honeymoon. KT says he can’t go because he’s too busy. They still have a lot of work to do and Preeti will also agree to it. And she is very serious about work. Preeti says she is ready to go with him. He is shocked to hear this. Kusala leaves from there.

And says that her plan is amazing, now Preeti and KT will go on a honeymoon and she will get Neil’s engagement with Maheswari’s daughter. And then no one will be able to deny her decision. KT asks they have so much work, yet why did Preeti say yes to go on a honeymoon. Preeti says because she wants to spend time with him. She says that she will take care of all the work and will also teach Sheena, so there is nothing to worry about. KT is upset. Preeti dances with him. She is ready to start her new life. KT sees his image in the mirror which curses him because he is cheating on Preeti. KT’s image tells him that his actions can break Preeti forever. And if her heart breaks this time, no one can handle Preeti. KT says that he is doing this drama for Preeti’s happiness, he will not let Preeti break up. He wants to do something that will keep him away from Preeti.


Shaadi Mubarak 1 February 2021 Written Update : केटी ने खुद को कोसा।


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