Shaadi Mubarak 16 March 2021 Written Update – Will Preeti tell KT the truth?

At the beginning of the episode, KT is having food. Preeti comes in her and gets shocked seeing him. Preeti asks KT what are you doing. KT says I am having sweets, do you want to have it. Preeti looks on. KT says God only made two things right, first sweets and second Preeti. He gives her the plates of sweets. Preeti takes it away from him. KT says if you don’t want to have it then give it back to me. Preeti doesn’t hear him. KT goes to her. He says give back to me. Preeti doesn’t give it to him. KT yells and says Preeti I want my food plate back, give it to me. He snatches it from her. Preeti asks him to tell her what is going on your mind. She adds don’t suffer alone, tells me. KT who is broken falls on the ground. His eyes get red because of intense pain. Preeti gets shocked seeing him like this.

She goes to him and sits with him. KT says mom used to stand by my side. But today when I need her the most when she is not with me, and only this thing is pinching me. Preeti’s eyes get moist. She gives him and sweet and says you can have it. KT now doesn’t want to touch it. Preeti says now you can have it when you feel good. She adds let me make you happy. Later, Preeti gives him a doll and calls it their child and teach him how to take care of the baby. Both share some good moments. They both take care of each other, as well as Foorti’s. One day Preeti is feeding food to Foorti. Kusala comes there and sends her out along with KT. KT gets upset. Preeti consoles him saying mother still loves you, that is why she hang your picture on the wall. KT jokingly says because I am handsome, that is why she did so.

Preeti agrees with it, saying he is beautiful inside out. KT blushes and says I am just kidding. Preeti says but I am not. Ahead, when Preeti is doing some work while KT comes to her. He asks her when will his mother forgive him. Preeti looks on. On the other hand, Kusala is enjoying her tea time. Preeti says to her that they should perform godbhrai ritual. Meanwhile, Juhi comes there and take Preeti with her. She tells Preeti that there is a doctor who can cure her, and now she should tell KT about it as well. Preeti answers in no. Juhi makes her understand her point. Preeti gets ready to tell him everything. Then she practises in front of the mirror while saying KT I want to confess that I am struggling with cancer. KT arrives in the room. He takes her with him and gives her a big surprise which makes Preeti happy. Episode end.

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