Bhagya Lakshmi written update 20 February 2022 weekly

In this week’s episode, Shalu comes and gives a card to Lakshmi. She says that Aayush has given her this card because Rishi asked him. Rishi goes to Ayush and asks him where the card is. He says that he gave that card to Lakshmi. Rishi says that it was a love card which he bought for Malishka. He says for Lakshmi he bought a sorry card. Malishka listens to this and asks Rishi to bring that card from her by telling her that he bought this card for Malishka. Ayush tells him that if he does this then Lakshmi can get hurt. Rishi says that Lakshmi knows him very well.

Lakshmi reads the card and gets emotional. Rishi asks her to stop crying, she says to him that the tears are not in her control. Rishi had flashbacks of hjm and Lakshmi together when she told him that she loves him. She says to him to take the card as it is for Malishka because he only loves Malishka, She gets away from him.

Lakshmi asks Rishi why he is so confused. When he was with her he was after Malishka and now when he is with Malishka he is following her. He says to her that he doesn’t even sleep in his room as he always wants to be around her and misses her, he says he might be confused but has always been honest. She says to him to stay away from him. Neelam prays till late as she feels anxious about Rishi’s well-being.

The goons attack the bank and ask Malishka to hurry to the locker room, she says she won’t go without Rishi. They ask Rishi to come along, he holds Lakshmi’s hand and says that he won’t leave Lakshmi alone, Malishka stands stunned. The goon says to Malishka that she hasn’t seen in movies that a wife is always more important to a man rather than an outside woman. They take her to the locker room and she keeps turning head to see Rishi.

Rishi says to Lakshmi to run, she closes the door of the corridor. They follow him, while Lakshmi escapes to look for a network so she can inform the police. When Lakshmi is not able to call the police she puts up a video telling everyone that the bank is under attack and someone should inform the police at the earliest. Harleen’s friend calls her and inform that Lakshmi is on the news, they check the news and find out that the bank is under attack, and Inspector Singh is appointed in the case and he has a great track record of solving cases. Neelam asks Vierendra to take her to the bank, and they leave together.

Will Rishi be able to choose between Lakshmi and Malishka?

This was the weekly summary of your favourite show “Bhagya Lakshmi”.

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