This week, Neha tells Balwinder that she hit Lakshmi and hid her. They take Neha back to the wedding venue. Rakhi and Srishti figure out Neha’s plan and wonder what she did to Lakshmi. They think she must have locked Lakshmi somewhere and start looking for her. Neha comes back and goes to MANDAP. The marriage rituals start. Srishti finds Lakshmi under the bed and tells Rakhi. She brings Lakshmi to senses and takes her to another room before Balwinder and Paplu come looking for her. Srishti and Rakhi tell Lakshmi to lock her room and got to the MANDAP. Srishti pretends to fall and breaks the puja KALASH. They say it is bad omen so now the marriage should stop and start again later. Srishti and Rakhi take Neha to Lakshmi’s room and reveal Neha’s face.
Lakshmi asks Neha why she did this to her. Neha says because she wants money and she snatch everything from her. Neha locks them in the room and says she only will get married to Rishi. As she turns, Preeta slaps her hard and opens the door. They tie and gag Neha in the room. Sammy overhears Balwinder and his friend talking and tells their plan of drugging Lakshmi to Karan to Preeta. Balwinder brings water for Lakshmi and says Rishi sent it for her. Karan comes and throws the glass away. He chases Balwinder as he runs away. Rishi catches Balwinder and hits him black and blue. Ayush hand him over to police. Rishi and Lakshmi get married as Neha watches them from the window.
Rano frees Preetam and then they find Neha and free her. Neha is beside herself about losing Rishi. Preetam consoles her and tells her to calm down. He says people will question them if they are not present in the wedding. Wedding completes without any more hiccups. Rishi and Lakshmi take blessings from all the elders. Lakshmi’s VIDAI happens. Neelam tells Lakshmi to gently kick the Kalash and leave her footprints on the floor. Laskhmi’s foot slips just as she puts her foot in the tray and a vase falls. Everyone is worried how Lakshmi can enter without hurting herself. Lakshmi says she can do it. . Lakshmi removes glass with her feet and then puts the foot down. She steps on a glass piece but manages to cross it. GRIHAPRAVESH happens successfully. Everyone welcomes her except Karishma.
Rishi’s sisters stop Rishi and Lakshmi from entering their room and demand Rishi’s car and wallet. Ayush says he wishes he was also a sister. Rishi says he can ask for anything. Ayush says he will ask for something in future and he cannot refuse then. Ayush tells Lakshmi that he will always be there for her and she should not think herself alone at any time. Virendra comes there and asks them to promise him that they both will take care of each other during all their hard times. Gurucharan overhears Neha and Rano talking about their plan and decides against giving property papers. Rishi kisses her on the forehead and says he has to go for some important work. Lakshmi wonders what happened to Rishi and why he left like that. Rishi goes away angrily to terrace. Virendra is also there. He starts drinking.
Rishi tells Virendra he has been lying to impress Lakshmi, but he cannot stand her. Lakshmi comes out looking for Rishi. Rishi lies to her that Virendra was drinking and she should tell him not to. Virendra promises Lakshmi to try to give up smoking and drinking. They go back to the room. Rishi says he is expecting a call from abroad. He tells her to sleep as he will get late. Lakshmi is confused by Rishi’s behaviour.
Lakshmi does morning AARTI with everyone. Shalu and Bani call her to ask how she is. Shalu figures out that something is wrong. Neelam invites Rano for MUH-DIKHAI ritual in the evening. Dadi tells Lakshmi to make something sweet for the whole family to please everyone. Karishma shows her displeasure to Dadi.
Lakshmi makes sweets for the whole family. Dadi is very happy to see that she made PIINNI. Everyone praises her except Karishma. Rishi says he avoids gluten, so he will not have. Neelam and Dadi give dress and jewellery for Lakshmi’s MUH-DIKHAI. Karishma says all this is very heavy and expensive and they should give her something light. Neelam says she wants Lakshmi to look royal for MUH-DIKHAI. Rano tells Neha to get ready for Lakshmi’s MUH-DIKHAI. Neha says she does not want to go. Rano says they need to pretend to be happy for Lakshmi to take property papers worth crores from Gurucharan. Ayush calls Rishi and gives the phone to Lakshmi. Lakshmi asks if he had food. Rishi gets irritated and thinks he does not even want to listen to her voice. He disconnects the call saying he is in a meeting. Ayush tells her that Rishi was missing her. Lakshmi is pleased to hear that.