Imlie 27th December 2022 Written Update

Imlie 27th December 2022 Written Update, Imlie coming to Rudra and the latter wakes up. He thanks her for staying back and she tells him to take rest. Arto looks at her, she leaves. Arpita tells Rupy about Rudra’s attack. Rupy says Imlie had an intuition about Rudra’s health beforehand. But it will affect her as Arto is there. They should call her back home. Chini comes and says they are always worried about Imlie and never thinks about her. Rupy says Chini herself is selfish so she should not lecture them about caring for others. Arpita tells her to rectify her mistakes else they will tell Abhishek why she is marrying him. Chini gets nervous and adds she likes him so she wants to marry him. Her own family is her enemy. She says she will make the engagement arrangements on her own.

Arpita tells Rupy why Chini and Imlie are so different. Devika goes to give medicine to Rudra and asks him to get better fast and Imlie is here for few days only. Arto thanks Imlie for agreeing to stay on his request to which she says Rudra is her father too. She falters and her feet gets twisted. He asks if she is okay and holds her. She says he is the reason of her heartbreak.

Chini comes and says she didn’t have idea they will start romancing after her exit. Imlie says Rudra’s health will worsen if he sees Chini so she should not go in front of him. Chini invites them for her engagement and Imlie takes the card. She says Chini only acts different but she doesn’t respect either relation or love. Chini says if she doesn’t want to come then fine. Imlie says she will attend the engagement for Abhishek and to show Chini how a sister should behave. Imlie and Chini both leave.

Chini starts the preparations and Anu talks to her about postponing the engagement. Chini says she won’t patch up with Arto and that’s final. Anu suggests her to choose Rana house for her engagement venue. She should use the love Arto has for her. Chini says it’s not easy but she will try. Imlie gives something to Arto to help him. He asks but why she is caring about him. She says she is helping him doesn’t mean she forgave him. She loved him but doesnt love him now. Arto gets Chini’s call and asks him to become her friend. She says that they will help each other in need. She asks him to give his house for her engagement. Arto gets shocked and says he still loves her and Rudra is not fine, his family is disturbed too. He can’t see her getting married to someone else. He cuts the call. Chini tells Anu that it’s a bad idea she told before.

Anu thinks she will not lose hope, she visits Rana House with Chini to invite Rana’s for her engagement. Arto says but Rudra can’t attend it, Chini says how can Imlie attend the engagement alone. Imlie says she doesn’t need to worry for her. Anu tells Arto to attend the engagement as it might be Chini’s style to give him the chance to cancel her engagement. She still loves him, he should do something. Rana’s discuss how pathetic Anu is that they came here to invite them without shame. Rudra says but they will attend the engagement and Arto should accept the reality and see what kind of a person Chini is.

Chini says she wants no make up look for her special day and Imlie taunts her saying the real face can’t be hidden. Chini asks if she is taunting. Imlie says she is happy for Abhishek and she hopes Chini will be honest with him. Chini says she sacrificed her relationship with Arto but Imlie doesn’t care. Imlie shuts her up with a perfect reply.

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