Imlie 7 October 2021 written update – Anu pampers Imlie

At the beginning of the episode, Aparna asks Aditya to eat where Sundar says something to Aditya where Malini looks at Aditya. Aditya is going but Malini stops him and asks him to eat here. Aditya said that he will eat later. Malini thinks that why did she do all this when their date didn’t cancel.

Dulari fakes the priests about the money where Imlie thinks where the money comes from where she sees Dulari throwing fake notes at him. Dulari laughs at Imlie and said that she collected all the fake notes and said that she wanted to take revenge but she now loves her. Aditya comes there and asks her to come here. Imlie says that she doesn’t want to go anywhere. Dulari makes her understand where Imlie goes inside. Aditya looks on.

Malini is Worried where Anu asked Malini not to worry about the date. Anu gets happy when Imlie comes inside. Aditya also comes where Nishant comes to Aditya and asks him to write a letter for Imlie. Aditya writes a letter where Nishant asks him to go. Anu listens to them where Anu comes to Imlie where Anu feeds Imlie, Everyone gets Shocked. Everyone gets shocked to see them together. Everyone thinks that how could they eat together on one plate. Malini thinks that she can’t eat anymore with Aditya.

Aditya is waiting for Imlie where Sundar arranged everything. Aditya practices apologizing to Imlie where Sundar asks him to do practice where Aditya is getting nervous where Sundar asks him to try again. Sundar says that she isn’t doing good where Aditya practices to impress Imlie. Aditya is acting like shah rukh khan where Sundar says that he can help him. Aditya said that how could he help him.

Nishant comes to Rupali where Nishant shows her that he puts a letter in the Puri. Rupali gives puri to Dulari. Dulari gives puri to Imlie and said that she wants that she should eat one more puri. Imlie reads the letter where Imlie leaves from there.

Aditya is practicing where Sundar asks him to do well where Aditya is getting nervous where Malini comes there and said that she wants to eat junk food where Sundar says that this is not for her. Malini asks him to leave where Imlie comes with the doctor where Malini refused to accept that he told everything before where Malini thinks that she will not go anywhere. Aditya asks her to check up. The doctor asks her to come and check-up. Malini looks on.

Upcoming story: Aditya proposes Imlie where Imlie gets happy. Aditya says that he wants to start a new beginning with her.

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