At the beginning of the episode, Kabir and Anupriya celebrate their victory and drink alcohol. Anupriya laughs and says that she told the story to the family and they also believed her. Dadi asks Riddhima to give Kabir the key to his room. There Kabir tells Anupriya that Riddhima is a fool and has taken a risk by allowing him to stay in this house. He says that this time he got a room to live in the house, and he will as well everything get soon. Riddhima is coming towards Kabir’s room. And thinks how she will face Kabir.
Then Riddhima hears Anupriya speaking that their dream is going to be fulfilled. Riddhima asks what dream. Kabir says that he had a dream that he got the whole family which he got. Riddhima does not trust his words. Anupriya says that she will have to do something of Riddhima because she has become very clever. Kabir tells her not to worry. Because he will take care of all that.
Further, Kabir makes cakes for everyone and serves them. Kabir says that he is happy that he has a family and he is someone’s brother like Vansh. Ishani is irritated and says that he is not her brother and he cannot take the place of Vansh. Also, Vansh did not like the pineapple cake nor did they. Riddhima also advises Kabir not to try to take the place of Vansh because Vansh rules in their hearts and will always do so.
Riddhima says she also does not like pineapple cake. And she leaves the plate and goes from there. Grandma says that she also cannot eat cake because she has sugar disease. Dadi tells Kabir not to mind Ishani’s words. And she goes from there too. Kabir gets angry and says that he will take revenge from Ishani and also take place of Vansh. Riddhima overhears their talk and decides to talk to Kabir but she finds Kabir’s purse lying on the floor and sees that it has a picture of Kabir and Anupriya. She suspects that Kabir and Anupriya are making everyone stupid. Kabir thinks to bother Ishani. Riddhima goes after Kabir. Further, Riddhima searches for proof against Kabir and Anupriya.