Kundali bhagya 13 May 2021 Spoiler – Prithvi in a dilemma

Zee Tv’s popular show Kundali Bhagya is entertaining the viewers very well with its amazing plot. Also, Show’s upcoming twists and turns are good treats for the viewers.

In the last episode, we saw Pami being surprised to see that Mahesh is also standing with Preeta. Suresh saw Pami’s sad face, he felt that Pami was definitely thinking about doing something wrong. While Pami further told Suresh that Preeta is a very cunning girl and she will bring her real face in front of everyone. Suresh stopped her from doing so but she did not listen to him. There Prithvi tells Sherlyn that Megha is blackmailing him. There Rakhi saw Preeta crying and she consoled Preeta.

In the upcoming episode, we will see that Rakhi will tell Preeta that today she had gone to meet Karan and he told her that Mahesh had come to meet him. While Prithvi will get a call from the blackmailer. Kritika will ask him to pick up the phone. Prithvi will think that if he picks up the phone, then his truth will come in front of Kritika. He will get nervous and will not understand what to do.

What will Prithvi do now?

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