Kundali bhagya 31 March 2021 Written Update – Preeta spikes Prithvi’s drink

At the beginning of the episode, Srishti and Preeta think to give bhang to Prithvi so that he reveals his intentions. Preeta and Sameer likes her idea. Sameer put colour on her. Srishti says but Prithvi will not drink the thandai from our hand, as he doesn’t believe us. They think to asks Preeta for that. While Kritika wants to play Holi with Prithvi. But then only Srishti arrives there with the glass of bhang. Prithvi refuses to take it. He adds he would like to take this glass from Preeta’s hand. Srishti give that to Preeta. And she hands it to Prithvi. He smiles upon this. Preeta says from now on we will share the bond of sister-in-law and bother-in-law. Prithvi nods.

He is about to drink it. But Sheryln who looking at them comes to them and snatch the glass of bhang saying Kritika should drink it first. Kritika takes the glass and about to drink it. But Shishti pushed Sameer towards Kritika which stops Kritika from drinking bhang. Prithvi ditties his clothes so he leaves for the Bathroom. Prithvi follows him and asks Srishti to make another glass of bhang. She answers in yes. While Sherlyn suspects Preeta and Srishti’s intention. On the other hand, Rakhi plays Holi with her guest Astha and Hemant. While Prithvi scolds Sameer for ruining his shoes. He even dares to ask him to clean his dirty shoes. Sameer yells at him. Kritika comes there and asks what is happening here. Prithvi tells her about Sameer’s bad behaviour. Kritika says leave it and see I have a gift for you. Prithvi gets happy seeing new shoes. And asks why you brought such expensive shoes. Sameer says you should bring it for me.

Later, the colour goes in the eyes of Hemat so Rakhi takes him to the bathroom so he can clean his eyes. On the other hand, Preeta and Srishti are all set to fool Prithvi by giving him the bhang. Preeta thinks after drinking it Prithvi will spill his real motive as to why she wants to marry Kritika only. Srishti nods in yes and spikes the thandai of Prithvi with more bhang. Ashtha on the other hand hears their planning and stands still. Later Preeta gives bhang glass to Prithvi. He is about to drink it but Ashtha stops him. She tells Preeta that she is doing wrong. Preeta says Prithvi is not a nice guy thus they are doing so. Ashtha understands her words. Episode end.

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