Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti 28 June 2021 Written Update -Chandrani writes a letter for Harsh

At the beginning of the episode, Chandrani tells Shubhra that Harsh is going back today. Rishi leaves from there. Shubhra tries to stop him but he does not stop. Chadrani asks Shubhra if she knew about all this beforehand. Rishi goes to Harsh. He hugs him and tells him that he is ashamed of his mistakes. And he wants that he should not leave this place. Shubhra says that she knew that he is going to leave and there is nothing she can do on this issue. Chandrani wants her to thank him once. Shubhra agrees.

Later she sees that Rishi is trying to stop Harsh. Shubhra tries to convince him to let him go. Harsh thinks that if Shubhra had stopped him, he would have halted. Then he gets a letter in which it is written that he should stop. According to that letter it has been written by Shubhra but in reality, that letter has been written by Chandrani. Chandrani says that she has written this letter because she wants Harsh to bring happiness to Shubhra’s life.

Samaira is trying to put together the torn papers of divorce as she cannot let her dream break and she will continue to get Kuldeep and Shubhra divorced. Rishi and Roli kiss Shubhra and Rishi want to sleep with Shubhra. But Roli insists that she will sleep with her mother. Shubhra asks them to calm down and adds that she will sleep with both of them.

Shubhra thinks that she has to talk to Harsh once. Harsh is also thinking the same. Just then, Chandrani comes to Shubhra’s room. They both go out. Harsh stands outside Shubhra’s room. He says that even though he could not talk to Shubhra today, but it is enough for him to see her. Chandrani asks Shubhra if she still has pain in her leg. She says no also adds that she will sleep at night after massaging the oil.

When Chandrani asks her about tomorrow’s plans, Shubhra tells her that they will have a pool party tomorrow. Chandrani asks if Harsh will come. She says yes. Chandrani says that he is a very nice man and the girl he will marry will be very happy. Shubhra agrees. There Kuldeep comes back to his house. Samira shows him how she has put together the pieces of the divorce paper.

Kuldeep gets shocked seeing this. He asks her why is she doing all this when he is with her. Saying this he leaves from there. Samaira says that she is with her but his heart is not with her and she wants to have him completely. Here Shubhra tells Narayan that he should get ready for the pool party. While Harsh thinks about how to confess his love in front of Shubhra. Rishi and Roli come to Harsh and ask him to get ready.

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