In the upcoming episode, we will see that Randhir’s father will look sad. Amrit will ask what is wrong with him then he will give her a photo and will notify her that Randhir is not his son. Amrit will get shocked. On the other hand, Veer will wish happy birth to his younger brother watching his picture and Amrit will see that pic too.
Randhir is Veer’s younger brother?
Up till now, Randhir tells Amrit that this Randhir who is standing in front of her says all the time that he only hates Amrit. But the truth is only that this Randhir loves her very much and his love for her is never going to lessen. Hearing this, Amrit’s eyes will get moist. While tears are pouring out of Randhir’s eyes too. On the other hand, Vijayandra comes to his son and asks him what he was doing with Rani’s p.a. His son asks him to shut up and wants to know what was doing in this mahel. He told him that Veer is addicted to alcohol but he saw him fit and fine. And he was even talking about some work. Vijayndra asks him to stay silent and tells him that tomorrow Nalini is going to meet her younger son. His son asks how? And where is her younger son? Vijandra adds that he is standing in front of him only. His son is unable to understand his point. Then only he tells him that she is going to be the younger son of Nalini.