Naagin 6 23 July 2022 written update

At the beginning of the episode, Cheif carries Vishal to Rishabh’s home. Boss lets Rishabh know that they came to welcome him to the introduction capability of the landmark as the central visitor which they will build behind Neelgiri mountain by breaking Naagmahal and it’s going under the control of the paleohistory division. He welcomes him to the capability.

Rishabh consents to go to the occasion with Rajesh. Pratha believes it’s Naagmahal. Ritesh lets Rishabh know that he wants his endorsements from the military to get the arrangement. Rishabh goes to get them. Rajesh asks Pratha for what good reason she looks stressed. Pratha says they will make the landmark at Naagmahal and I can’t allow them to get it done. Rajesh says it’s a decent sign to get your payback so continue and stop the initiation. Pratha leaves.

Divya faces Rajesh for compressing Pratha. She requests that he not fail to remember that they came to help Pratha. While looking for armed force endorsements Rishabh finds a long-term clinical record of Shakti. He contemplates how it occurred as Shakti passed on a lengthy back. Another side Shakti longs for his beauty queen and he raises a ruckus around town to see his Deepika. Ritesh meets Rishabh and gives him the record.

Rishabh and others sit tight for Kiara. Pratha/Kiara comes there. Rishabh sees her and advised Pratha that he jumps at the chance to see her in that tone. Shakti makes an opening and sees Pratha from that opening and believes it’s his Deepika. Pratha says Mehek you’re not giving your opportunity to your significant other that is the reason he is generally sleepy. Rishabh requests that they start in their vehicle.

On the way, Mehek asks him where are they going. Rishabh enlightens her regarding Naagmahal. Mehek figures she can’t go with them and she needs to stop them as it’s a position of her naagins. Pratha figures Mehek might be changed however she can’t fail to remember the significance of Naagmahal where they were conceived. They arrive close to the wilderness. Wilderness individuals attempt to stop them letting them know it’s a position of Naagins.

Rishabh doesn’t accept and cautions to call the police assuming that they cause any situation. They give them way. Everybody enters the Naagmahal. Rajesh reminds Pratha about her vengeance. Urvashi figures she will be blissful seeing the annihilation of Naagmahal. She looks for her Mom’s Payal yet she was unable to get them. Pratha sees her. She contemplates why she is looking for Payal and what befalls Payal as I kept them there.

Mehek sees her photograph with Pratha. She makes it fall. Pratha sees Payal is in the cabinet and her grandma doesn’t allow Urvashi to get them. The official ridicules the town individuals’ admonition. That time snake enters the party. One man attempts to consume a snake. Pratha saves it and sends it out. Everybody applauds her.

One individual lets Rajesh know that he felt terrible finding out about his significant other’s passing. Rajesh gets a call saying Haveli is having some issues. Divya requests that he not enlighten anybody concerning the Haveli. Nagin’s request that Shesh Naag save their Naag mahal. Shesh Naag requests that Shesh Naagin make it happen. Pratha lets them know she will stop it and will get her payback as well. Vishal requests that Rishabh initiate it. Rishabh is going to cut the lace yet Pratha makes toofan.

Everybody gets stressed when they couldn’t see anything. Snakes encompass them. Everybody feels frightened. One snake assaults Rishabh. Urvashi requests that Mehek eliminate any confusion. Mehek clears it. Rishabh tosses the snake. Pratha attempts to go after him. One individual attempt to kill the snake however Rishabh stops him and says they are going after as we are attempting to involve their home. He reports they will not destroy the Naagmahal.

Pratha gets astonished and thinks Rishabh is puzzling to her and which side of him is genuine. Locals express gratitude toward him. Mehek embraces Rishabh and expresses gratitude toward him. Rishabh requests that Vishal and co leave. Mehek lets Urvashi know that her work is finished and she can get a decent name before Naagins.

On the way, Rajesh figures Pratha can’t kill Rishabh on the grounds that her affection won’t allow her to do. He goes to his Haveli work dropping Pratha off. Rajesh meets his supervisor and becomes acquainted with Haveli is going to the shelter. Rajesh asks if won’t they have a method for saving it. The director lets him know that he wants to wed to save the haveli. Pratha contemplates Rishabh’s way of behaving.

Rajesh meets Pratha and tells I know why you didn’t kill Rishabh. Pratha says he helped Naagins. Rajesh inquires as to why it influences her retribution. He tells her he wants her assistance and shows her the ring and requests that she wed him. Pratha asks how he anticipated that she should wed him. Rajesh says it’s a phony wedding show to get the Haveli of my departed spouse and we need to wed before her auntie and you can be able to kill Rishabh so help me. Pratha consents to counterfeit the wedding and lets him know that she will kill Rishabh.

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