Nima Denzongpa 26 July 2022 written update

At the beginning of the episode, Nima awakens from rest and cautions Tulika that Suresh is laying down with Alok. She attempts to awaken him however the two dozes together. Before Alok seeing Suresh Tulika comes there to redirect him. She lets him know that she bring green tea for him. Alok questions her in uncertainty doesn’t she lay down with him in bed why did she coming from this side? Tulika lets him know she was resting alongside him however she prepared pronto to give green tea to him.

Nima and Suresh are taking cover behind bed. She lets the spoon fall down he going to take it however she stops him thinking after marriage he shouldn’t accomplish any work. It’s better half obligation to do everything. She takes him from that point. Later Nima checks the portable and tells Suresh all photograph of Alok is obscure in it. Suresh apologize to her for it. Tulika guarantees her that she will take it for them.

Tulika attempts to snap Alok’s picture yet he attacks her for snapping his picture without his authorization. He actually looks at her versatile however Nima grabs telephone from him. He grievances that he isn’t acting like a worker what are they doing here after marriage? Tulika grumblings that she want to show her significant other to her companion and relatives. They are not her workers but rather her relatives. Alok guarantees her lets take profesional photos. They leaves from that point deceiving him.

Nima express gratitude toward Suresh and Tulika for supporting her this much. Tulika advises her that she is prepared to do anything for her. Nima says it’s an adequate number of gives up to police headquarters and found him in the act. Nima gets a call from legal counselor saying Virat’s business confronting lose. His property going to be sold out. He requests that she demonstrate its not Virat’s sign. Nima tells Suresh drawing out the entirety of his reality this time is significant. Tulika lets them know that she has a plan to trap him.

In the interim Alok gets back to home and figures out it’s dim. Tulika shares with him that she going to astound him. She gave pass on to her right hand. Nima and Suresh are concealing inside and really taking a look at them. Alok attempts to sentiment with her. She makes him drink a great deal. Tulika offers to him that she is certainly not a decent individual by any stretch of the imagination. She fears he will despise her on the off chance that he hears her reality. He requests that she express it out.

Tulika tells him that she has a sister. Her folks used to likes her and gives everything to her. When they were playing together. She descends she can help her yet she didn’t it. After her demise she got everything. Alok says that he loves her significantly after he figures out truth. Alok begins admitting reality to Tulika she is keep everything in her. Alok attempts to take advantage on Tulika yet Nima assaults him from behind.

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