ctress Niyati Fatnani is all set to play the part of Asmita Roy in Dear Ishq , produced by Yash and Mamta Patnaik. The actress says that she loves the depth her character has.
“I am playing the character of Asmita Roy, an award-winning editor. She’s a Bengali girl who loves reading old classic literature, she’s in love with writers like Manto, Charles Dicken, Premchand, and she’s basically a fan of those writers. She feels that this generation of writers, they just write for the sake of writing. She feels that these writers don’t have depth or meaning in their stories which is why she isn’t fond of reading or editing those books. Besides, Asmita Roy is full of dignity, she is a strong working woman who will not take nonsense from anyone be it of any authority. Self-respect comes before anything and she is a responsible girl. She has a family with a mother and grandmother. Her father died 10 years ago, so she has a house to run. She is a responsible girl and very talented and has faith in her talent,” she says.
While all her shows have been special to her, playing the lead character in this one makes her apprehensive at times. “For me, all projects are landmark projects. Luckily, for me, every role was different from the previous role and every genre was different and people have loved my work. Every project is a landmark for me. Playing the lead, it certainly translates into a lot of pressure. However, it also makes me feel responsible and doesn’t let me become complacent. I love to be on my toes. I should have butterflies in my stomach every time I face the camera. I want to feel alive as an artist.”
Well, seems like people are loving Niyati in the show. “The promo has received a lot of love and appreciation. People are calling it a film quality. There’s a lot of tashan and people are liking the attitude that both of us have. It’s interesting so yes, it’s good feedback. People are already excited for the show,” she says.
Meanwhile, the actress has worked before with Yash Patnaik & Mamta Patnaik (Beyond Dreams Entertainment Private Limited ). “It’s actually my third project including a cameo in Ishq Mein Ghayal. It’s been 8 months since I have been working with them. It certainly shows how comfortable we are and how much faith we have in each other. I hope that like my other shows, this one also goes smoothly. I am sure it will and we will make a successful and a beautiful show,” she says.
This also happens to be her OTT debut. “I am very excited certainly because I always wanted to do OTT for a very long time and 2023 has opened the doors for me. I am very happy, grateful and excited. However, I don’t think anyone can ever take over TV’s attention, TV is always going to be there,” she says.