Pandya Store 22nd June 2024 Written Update – Star Plus

The Episode begins with Naveli additionally kissing Dhawal. Natasha requests that he stop the vehicle and get frozen yogurt for her. Naveli says OK, we need to have frozen yogurt. He requests that they come. Bhaven requests that Pranali quit crying. Pranali says I love Naveli as my most memorable kid. Amba says Naveli left you and hurried to her genuine mum. Dhawal sees Natasha and Naveli partaking in the Kulfi. They leave. Amba says when Natasha and Naveli stay here, how might you keep Naveli with you. Cart says it will happen when Naveli and Natasha return home. Dhawal gets them home. Pranali makes Natasha away. She embraces Naveli and says I was so terrified, where did you go, guarantee me, you won’t ever go this way.

Natasha says Dhawal guaranteed us, he will allow us to remain together in this house. Natasha and Naveli dance. Dhawal grins. Shantanu hears Natasha’s voice. Amba says I can see old Dhawal back today. Pranali says Bhaven, we won’t remain here, I won’t make Naveli disappear. Shantanu and Tai see Natasha, and race to her. Dhawal blocks Shantanu. Amba requests that Pranali utilize her brain. Pranali requests that Naveli proceed to check her new toys. Naveli says I will take off assuming I really want more toys. Pranali says no, don’t say that. They embrace. Pranali says Dhawal, you and Natasha join together, battle or do anything you need, I m Naveli’s mum, I won’t give her, you gave Naveli to me, you can’t grab her from me now. Hetal gets back home with a legal counselor. She says Pranali, you need to grasp a ton.

Amba asks did you choose the house division. Hetal asks which division, the property as of now has a place with me. She says Pranali, nobody can make Naveli away from you, you have raised her for quite a long time, Natasha hadn’t arrived, Dhawal and Natasha’s marriage will be dropped, Pranali needs to say in court that Natasha’s psychological state isn’t fine. She requests that Shantanu take Bittu and disappear. She says Bittu will be yours. Shantanu says Tai, Bappa additionally needs this, so he did equity. He requests that Bittu come. He says all of you have left us stay here, much obliged, license us to leave now. Natasha says Naveliā€¦ Shantanu says we will return and meet her, accompany me. He insults Dhawal.

Shantanu says I m taking Bittu with me. Dhawal says my connection with Natasha will constantly be there. Naveli comes and hears reality. Dhawal says I m Naveli’s dad.

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