Sheena Bajaj set to surprise fans with new photos, gets a photo shoot done by her sister Riya Bajaj

Actor Sheena Bajaj recently did a photoshoot and the photographer is none other than her own sister, Riya Bajaj. The latter is a professional and her brand is called Riya Bajaj Photography. Sheena shares her experience and why it is essential to click new images every time.

“Riya shoots with film stars and many other celebrities. She is quite good at her job. All my life, I had only shot with her and dad. I trust her skill and she knows me better than anyone else,” says the actor, known for her show “Best of Luck Nikki”.

Sheena shot about three looks because she doesn’t enjoy draining herself in one day. And, if she wants more, then she can do it later.

“Riya has got a lot of options, different concepts, which I really like. I don’t like continuously clicking pictures and doing photoshoots but since I am on Instagram and I have to maintain my profile, connect with my fans, do brand promotions and all of that, I do photo shoots every few months. I have to keep upgrading myself… In fact, I think actors should get photo shoots done every four to five months, it helps. But at the same time it’s also one’s personal choice,” she adds.

Sheena shares that photo shoots are fun. And that she loves experimenting with different eye makeups, lip shades and creating different looks.

She adds, “I create different looks for my channel Sheena Bajaj Official on YouTube so I do different concept shoots and upload videos, BTS etc. It’s fun, especially when your are shooting with someone you are very comfortable with, the person behind the camera is innovative and you know the result will be good.”

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