Sirf Tum 23 July 2022 written update

At the beginning of the episode, Honey asks Ranveer if he probably got the affirmation that Suhani despises him now. Honey tells Ranveer that Suhani called her here to get payback from him. In flashback Honey controls Ranveer however Ranveer says she knows Suhani and she can stand him. Honey ought to counsel a specialist. Honey says then he ought to hear it from Suhani as it were. Flashback closes and Ranveer says he doesn’t care about Suhani or her. They can’t hurt him.

Honey turns on the speaker once more and Suhani hears Ranveer saying he loathes Suhani now and she will see his scorn. Honey cuts the call and Suhani is stunned to hear all of that. Suhani feels agony and cries. She reviews Dadi’s words. She says she was remembering to give him additional opportunity yet just scorn is left in his heart. Honey chuckles saying she is executing her arrangement appropriately. Ranveer will think she is in his side and she will incite Suhani also against Ranveer.

Honey develops vindictive saying she lost Ansh because of Suhani and Ranveer and presently these two will be in a derisive relationship. Suhani’s family gets stressed for Suhani. They think she never arrives home late. Dadi brings in the school and requests Suhani. She learns Suhani didn’t come to school today. Sudha gets strained and Ishan goes to track down Suhani. Sudha expresses out loud whatever on the off chance that Ranveer found Suhani and he could hurt her. Dadi says Ranveer can never hurt Suhani. Honey derides Suhani for confiding in Ranveer. She says now Suhani will flop as a specialist as well. She can’t be saved by anyone. Honey torments Suhani more and the last option cries.

Sudha advises Dadi to call Ranveer as they don’t know anybody in this obscure city. They can’t find support from any other person with the exception of Ranveer. Sudha says she will apologize to Ranveer and will argue him to save Suhani. Honey beginnings doing Tandav before Suhani and picks a weapon to shoot her. She is going to shoot her yet one strange individual shows up and puts net on Honey. Honey stalls out there and can’t free herself. She accepts at least for a moment that its Ranveer. That individual applies salve on Suhani’s singed skin. He unfastens her and advises her to get up. Suhani acquires cognizance and asks the individual what his identity is. He shows his face to Suhani and gives his presentation as Dr Aditya.

Suhani asks him why he knows her. Aditya says he saw her in Dean’s lodge however before he could converse with her she left and didn’t see him. He came to her location to meet her however she left once more. He followed her and figured out that Honey kidnapped her. He acted the hero her astutely. Suhani expresses gratitude toward him for his assistance else she would have passed on.

Aditya says he will continuously help her out of luck and they are schoolmates so they will continue to meet one another. Honey undermines Aditya yet he says now she will go to prison. Police captures Honey and Suhani says her and Ranveer’s down are finished. Honey ought to illuminate Ranveer about that. Dadi curses Ranveer for his demonstration and Sudha says its amazing Ranveer can stoop this low. Aditya meets them and takes Dadi’s gifts. They say thanks to him for saving Suhani in spite of being an outsider.

Aditya says now that he is companions with Suhani he will show up for her generally. He shakes hand with Ishan and adds that on the off chance that they are searching for any house for remaining on lease, he can give them one. He has his own home where they can remain and since his folks don’t remain here with him he will help a family through them. He will get to eat custom made food as well. Suhani says that is decent of him however they can’t consent to remain in his home. Aditya persuades them subsequent to demanding.

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