Sirf Tum 8 August 2022 Written Update

At the beginning, Suhani recalls Ranveer’s taunts and she closes her ears out of frustration. She says she is not going to return back to him. Ishan comes to her and hugs her to console her. In the morning Sudha goes to wake Suhani up and checks her body temperature. She gets shocked to find out that Suhani has a high fever. Suhani wakes up and says she is getting late for college. Sudha tells her to take a rest instead of going to college. Aditya says today Suhani is patient so she should take care of herself. The doctor checks her and Aditya asks him what happened to Suhani. Doctor says Suhani ia having anxiety for some reason so she got a fever.

After one month Suhani’s family prays for her to God as she still has not recovered fully yet. Sudha worries for her thinking what if Suhani fails to give her exams? Her career will be ruined. Rakesh goes to Suhani’s room and does some work. Suhani wakes up from sleep and tells him that she will manage. He makes her sit and makes her understand that she should not be scared just because of Ranveer’s memories. It is haunting her and she is lacking confidence due to that. They have full confidence on her that she can become a better doctor than Ranveer but she is not confident enough to believe that. Rakesh says Suhani should not doubt her potential and Dehradun doesn’t belong to Ranveer and his family. If he comes face to face with her in the future what will she do? What is bothering her now?

Suhani reveals that she is worried for her family as more than her, her loved ones suffered because of Ranveer. She doesn’t want to go back to her previous life to face Ranveer. Rakesh says they are always with her and she can show Ranveer his real place if he troubles her there. Sudha and Dadi also give Suhani courage saying she should not be afraid of them as they can together teach lessons to Ranveer. Rakesh says he believes in Suhani. Suhani also decides not to let Ranveer control her life anymore. She will top the exam this time. Suhani studies at night and Sudha gives her tea. After one year, Dadi and Sudha pray for Suhani’s exam result. Suhani gets nervous and Ishan checks her result. They find Aditya’s rank in the third position. Suhani sees she held 10th rank. She gets upset and Ishan says there’s a fault in the system. She says her luck is bad.

Aditya comes and congratulates Suhani for being the topper in college. She says she already checked her result, he should not lie. He says that was wrong and her rank was exchanged with the student who got the tenth rank. Suhani gets overjoyed and she hugs Aditya. She celebrates her victory and dances with her family happily. Rakesh comes with sweets and says he knew Suhani will top the exam and will become Doctor Suhani. He feeds her the sweets and Aditya says he wants a party. Suhani says she finally proved Ranveer wrong by being the topper. Now he means nothing to her. She will face him with courage. Sudha thanks God for everything.

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