Somy to visit India in March, plans to celebrate her birthday in Mumbai

Somy Ali keeps herself occupied helping distressed human beings and animals through her NGO, No More Tears (NMT). While the actor turned humanitarian enjoying her work, her followers are keen on watching her on screen and wish that she visits India soon. Well, the good news is that Somy has already made plans to celebrate her birthday in India in March. She talks about her plans and looking forward to 2023 with much hope and love.

“2022 flew by, but I am fully gratified as in the number we achieved that is we saved over 10,000 lives,” she continues on meeting her expectations professionally, “I am beyond elated over the fact that people were able to see Fight or Flight, our docu-series on Discovery Plus. Unfortunately, not in India due to the ban which is not only sad. But a huge hindrance in our saving victims from India and above all, receiving financial contributions which enabled us to save victims brought to the US from India. Nonetheless, those who were able to watch our documentary, not only donated, but also wrote to us thanking us for our work.”

About specific milestones NMT achieved, Somy takes a walk down memory lane before looking ahead. “At this point we have crossed over 40,000 lives since 2007. This includes women, children, men and members of our LGBTQ Community. Let’s not forget where there is violence in a home, the pets are at risk too. I have witnessed abused and beaten pets when I walked into a crime scene with cops. I am proud to say we take these pets in and get them medically treated and do not separate them from the abused individuals,” she adds.
Somy then shares her keenness to visit India, yet things have not been falling into place. “I have been wanting to visit India for 21 years… This year for my birthday in March I will be in Mumbai and then my next stop will be Rajasthan which is my favourite place in the whole world. Those palaces transformed into hotels while preserving their infrastructure. They are simply breathtaking and I can’t wait to spend my birthday there. Who knows this might give NMT an opening to establish an office there. Allah/Bhagwan/God are all the same for me, hopefully will give me the strength to expand my work where it’s needed the most. So I am extremely curious to research what steps are taken there to curtail the prevalence of numerous heinous crimes which occur daily against women, children, men, and our LGBTQ brothers and sisters,” she says.

On the changes she would like to bring in her professional life in the coming year, she adds, “I would like to expand NMT in different countries starting with India. This will be a huge undertaking because to say I will have barriers and barricades by specific individuals is putting it mildly. My personal and professional are so entangled that for me without NMT there is no personal and vice versa. I am set on going to Mumbai with my sleeves rolled up and ready to get to work.”