Teri Meri Dooriyan 23rd May 2024 Written Update – Star Plus

Garry and Sahiba attempt to stop vigorously inebriated Angad who heads towards Diljeet’s home with a weapon to kill Diljeet. Angad doesn’t pay attention to them and keeps on strolling. Sahiba lets Garry know that she knows how to end this issue and requests that he attempt to stop Angad while she does what she needs to. She strolls to Diljeet’s home while Garry attempts to stop Angad. She reviews every one of the new occurrences occurred and ventures into the house. Akeer keeps on looking for his sovereign manikin. House keeper requests that he rest now, they will look for his manikin toward the beginning of the day. Akeer rest weeping for his mom.

Diljeet reviews the quality time enjoyed with Akeer and Sahiba and becomes inebriated. Sahiba strolls before him. He is astonished to see her and contacts her to affirm it’s actually her. Sahiba says she figured a ton and maintains that him should quit playing this came, so she acknowledges his circumstances to raise sure he doesn’t hell others any longer. Diljeet requests that she sit. Sahiba says she will wed him assuming he gives up Akeer to Angad. Diljeet inquires as to whether she doesn’t cherish her child Akeer, why she needs to handover her child to a beast Angad. Sahiba says he is a beast and not Angad. Diljeet says Sahiba changes colors in excess of a chameleon, it seems as though she fell in his affection that she needs to leave even Akeer.

Sahiba says she is doing this for Akeer and doesn’t maintain that Akeer should be with a modest man like Diljeet, she is OK on the off chance that Akeer becomes pompous and mannerless like Angad, and so on; she will wed him assuming that he gives up Akeer to Angad. Diljeet says that is one piece of his condition, the other part is Angad himself will give her hand in his grasp and join them. Sahiba cautions him to get Angad far from this. Angad strolls in and yells Sahiba can’t keep Akeer’s daddy out of Akeer’s life and focuses weapon at Diljeet. Diljeet inquires as to whether he has gone distraught and calls security. Angad closes entryway with remote and says he will kill him today for putting his child’s life in extreme danger. Diljeet cautions him to ward the weapon off. Sahiba attempts to stop Angad, yet Angad disagrees.

Diljeet says Angad demolished his life and made him a beast and presently he is blaming him all things considered. Angad says no one can prevent him from killing Diljeet. Diljeet calls security once more and blames that it was Angad and Sahiba’s consolidated arrangement, first Sahiba will come and consent to his terms and afterward Angad will enter and kill him. Angad asks what is he talking about. Diljeet says he isn’t apprehensive about Angad’s aggressive statements. Angad says he isn’t compromising yet will kill him without a doubt. Sahiba attempts to stop him to no end. Angad strolls towards Diljeet and lets Sahiba know that psycho Diljeet can do nothing from hereon, she can remove Akeer after he kills Diljeet.

Angad plays Russian roulette with Diljeet. Diljeet says he is vigorously inebriated and ought to go to his mummy. Angad yells shut up. Diljeet says he can remove Akeer and requests that he put the weapon down. Angad says there is just 1 projectile in this firearm, presently destiny will take a choice who will be alive. He shoots Diljeet first which goes clear, then focuses at himself. Sahiba attempts to stop him. Diljeet figures Sahiba didn’t respond when Angad shot him, yet is stressed over Angad. Once more, shot goes clear. Diljeet snickers and inquires as to whether this firearm is genuine or he is playing with a toy. Angad says weapon is genuine, destiny was Diljeet’s ally last time yet will not dependably. Diljeet says he can’t save himself in the wake of killing him. However, angad yells his child will be saved. Watch strolls in with automatic weapon and cautions Angad to put the firearm down. Diljeet takes weapon and focuses at Angad.

Precap: Journalist covers a letting it be known that somebody shot Sahiba outside the court while she was being brought to court for criminal allegations, who probably shot Sahiba. She in shock inquires as to whether it’s Angad Singh Brar and requests that camera cut the scene.