Yeh Hain Chahatein 17th May 2024 Written Update – Star Plus

Kashvi takes Arjun to clinic and is pausing. Specialist emerges and says nothing serious, there is simply hairline break. Arjun comes there. Kashvi lets Arjun know that she will pack his stuff. Arjun says he needs to say thanks to her and expresses gratitude toward her. Kashvi figures now all will be well between them. She says no need of thanks and says you questioned me as your response sheet disappeared, yet I’m glad that his disarray is finished. Arjun giggles and requests that she stop her acting and show. Kashvi asks what are you talking about? Arjun says I know your reality. He inquires as to whether you arranged this assault on me? He then denounces her for arranging assault on him and afterward saving him. Kashvi asks what garbage you are talking about. Arjun says you may be feeling that I am as yet distraught and moronic, yet I will play your game with yourself. He says first that thing occurred with Isha, and I was captured, and you saved me. He says then Karun disappears from Zoo, and afterward he is tracked down in enclosure, and you saved him. He says then Dad was embarrassed on the lookout, and you saved his regard. He says you needed to show, how great you are, that your expectation is great. Kashvi requests that he stop it and asks what do you feel that I am acting to cherish Karun and regard Jagdish uncle. Arjun says you need to be in our great books. Kashvi says you have an unfortunate mix-up. Arjun says I heard with my own ears and saw you saying. Kashvi asks what you heard? Arjun inquires as to whether she knows Harsha ji, who embarrassed Daddy on the lookout, and you arrived at there and saved him. He says you have given cash to Harsha ji, similarly as you went from my home, you met her and given her cash. He says it was all your preparation, and says Dad and I have witnessed firsthand. Kashvi says I didn’t do this. A fb is shown. Kashvi inquires as to whether you truly feel that I can do this? Arjun says you can’t decline that you didn’t say. Kashvi says I sat idle and requests that he trust her. Arjun goes from clinic. Kashvi cries.

Kashvi gets back home. She feels the consuming smell coming from the terrace of the house. She goes there and finds something consuming there. She says who got it done, I need to light the fire and pours water on it. She finds Arjun’s genuine response sheet in the dustbin. She says whoever had taken it, attempted to consume it, as the individual believes that Arjun should can’t stand me. She says who could do this, and what could be his point. She comprehends that Aditya has done this, and explains to that why he will do this, he accomplished such a great deal to trap me. She says I will converse with him later, however for the present, I will give the confirmations to Arjun.

Mahima visits the legal counselor and informs him regarding her concern. He inquires as to whether she needs to return to Bajwa house. She says OK, she remains there like sovereign. He says he has an arrangement for her entrance in Bajwa house.

Kashvi comes to Arjun’s home and advises Micky that she needs to converse with him. She lets Arjun know that somebody is playing with the two of them and they are allowing them to win. Arjun doesn’t trust her. Kashvi shows the consumed answer sheet. She says I looked for your response sheet, however I didn’t get it. She says after the test, Aditya came to me and says Raunaq sir is calling me and he will give their sheets to the inspector. Kashvi says alright and went. She says then he washed the bed covers and presented the sheets. She says Aditya could have felt that he will consume it, after your re test, however he did an error and haven’t remained there till it consumed completely. She says when I felt the consuming smell, I went there and tracked down the consumed paper. Arjun says you used to constantly agree with his position, when I used to denounce him. Kashvi says she has the confirmation and rationale as well. She tells that Aditya is doing this because of his uneven love, that constrained him to do this frenzy. She says he is doing this multitude of connivances, as he realizes that Mahima and you will get separated from tomorrow, so he is doing this to isolate us. Arjun says right. Kashvi says he is doing his with intending to trap me. She lets him know that Aditya called her that day, and requested that I do the attack, and he knew that Jagdish uncle will be tracked down in the whorehouse. She tells that Aditya made Rimi gave proclamation against her and Jagdish, and afterward the Adjudicator gave case to Aditya from me. She tells that then Aditya got his bail, and afterward he arranged that occurrence with uncle and displayed as though I arranged it, to slander me. She says he traded the papers as he realize that I was the invigilator. She says Aditya did this, and says he has schemed this, and we are getting caught in his snare. Arjun says we both are caught. She says he utilized my explored and got Jagdish bailed to turn out to be great in everybody’s sight. Arjun says that implies that lady with Harsha ji was not you. He says we didn’t see her face, she had worn garments like you, and her hair and voice was like you. Kashvi says it was not me, it was Aditya’s arrangement to cause you to accept that I did this. She says I feel that Aditya arranged the assault on you. Arjun says you said right, I generally said that I have little to no faith in Aditya, however you didn’t trust me. He says I shouldn’t have allowed Aditya to play with our psyches. She inquires as to whether you will assist me with getting Aditya. Arjun says ofcourse.

Precap: Kashvi cuffs Aditya. Aditya yells Kashu as the vehicle tumbles down from the precipice. Specialist expresses because of head injury, he sneaked through unconsciousness. Kashvi faults herself.

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