Aanandi Baa Aur Emily 16 July 2022 written update

At the beginning of the episode, Anandibaa stands up to Emily and pronounces that she will just remain as Aarav’s significant other inside the house. She announces that she will not acknowledge her as the little girl-in-law of the house until she finishes the assessment. Anandibaa plans to step through a few exams of Emily, to check whether she is reasonable to turn into their little girl in regulation or not. Though,

Emily consents to her condition and guarantees that she won’t begin her relationship with Aarav until she wins Sanghanis heart. She decides to satisfy all the relatives and makes a harsh vow. She likewise tells that she won’t remain with Aarav, till she finishes the assessment.

Here, Anandibaa questions all the relatives who will keep Emily in their room? Everybody pushes away leaving Pinky forward. Anandibaa grins at Pinky and announces that Emily will remain with her. The last option couldn’t ready to figure out it and gets cheerful. Inevitably she understands the matter and flies off the handle with Gunjan for deceiving her.

Gunjan attempts to cause Pinky to figure out the circumstance. She expresses that Pinky can watch out for Emily while remaining with her. Though, at last, Emily consents to impart her space to the last option. Here, Jaman reprimands Aarav for consenting to Emily’s state of remaining in isolated rooms. He questions that imagine a scenario where they will not have the option to become hopelessly enamored with one another.

Somewhere else, Jaman reminds Aarav that he wants to dazzle Emily to satisfy his young life dream, while the last option tells that he was simply regarding Emily’s choice. He declares that he can’t drive her to accompany him, while he remains firm in his choice to visit America. Aarav pronounces that he can’t face a challenge to botch his opportunity to satisfy his fantasy.

Aarav proceeds and sees Emily remaining there. He gets stressed that she hears his arrangement, while Jaman additionally gets strained. Though, Emily approaches and curves down to contact his feet. They get confounded by her activity. She eliminates her headphones, making Aarav and Jaman loose, as she didn’t hear anything.

Ahead, Emily continues to learn about a decent girl in regulation on the web. She observes every one of the guidelines and questions Aarav why just a young lady needs to contact her significant other’s feet and not the other way around. Jaman causes her to comprehend and afterward lets Aarav know that he lucked out with the occasion. That’s what he expresses on the off chance that Emily finds out about their goals, she will not excuse them.

Gunjan ploys against Emily alongside Pinky, while the last option comes there and tells about what she realizes through the web. Gunjan acts to be decent before Emily, while Kanchan shows her anxiety towards the last option. In the interim, all the relatives of the house impel Anandibaa against Emily and express awful about the way of life in America.

Further, Anandibaa becomes stressed hearing about Emily’s way of life and decides to safeguard her loved ones. She gets stressed about the progressions Emily will bring into their home and afterward makes arrangements for a Puja. Everybody stays alert for the 12 PM puja, while they get terrified seeing the table moving. Around then Emily emerges from there and discusses doing the Puja, while everybody sees her being astonished.

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