Jasmin Bhasin recently completed 3 months in the Bigg Boss house. Unlike many other contestants who either joined the show late or left and then came back later, Jasmin spent the full 3 months locked inside the house. Considering all the fights and broken friendships, she has been on an emotional rollercoaster and her not being able to see her family only made things worse for her.
Bigg Boss gave all the contestants an amazing gift in the last episode: a reunion with their family members. The family member had to talk to the contestant either through a glass screen (they had a telephone through which they could hear each other) or through a video call because of the COVID19 precautions.
Jasmin’s parents came to see her and she burst into tears the moment she saw them. Her parents hugged her through the gloves in between the glass screen and had an emotional reunion. Jasmin’s dad gave her some advice on her game in Bigg Boss, “Please take care of your health, it’s very important, okay? You have been doing amazing but I miss the Jasmin I used to see at the beginning of the show. I miss seeing you smile and laugh all the time. I want you to play your own game. Aly is nice but focuses on your own game now. Play on your own. We just want you to be happy; if you are happy, we are also happy.”
When asked who they wanted to choose. between Sonali Phogat and Rakhi Sawant, as the next Bigg Boss captain, despite Jasmin’s feud with Rakhi, they chose Rakhi as the next captain because of her entertainment skills. Even Jasmin and Rakhi apologized to each other and hugged it out after this. Although the other contestants gave Jasmin 12 minutes to talk to her parents, time seemed to just slip by. It was time for her parents to leave and all 3 were crying by now.