Kundali bhagya 31 May 2022 written update: Rishabh is back

At the beginning of the episode, Natasha tells Sherlyn that she don’t need her help. She says that she has mixed a pill in the glass of water. She says that she gave that to Karan. She tells her that now Karan is not in his senses. On the other hand, Karan gets ready. Srishti says that it seems like it’s going to be very difficult to stop Karan. She says that she is very worried. Then Natasha goes downstairs. Sherlyn says that Karan is not here. Natasha says he will come.

Kareena tells Natasha that she is looking very pretty. Karan also comes downstairs and sits in the mandap. Kareena ask where is Pandit ji? Rakhi says that he must be on his way. Pandit ji has arrived. Sameer and Srishti stops him. Sameer gives him extra money and aks him to not go inside. Kareena calls the pandit ji and ask him where is he? Pandit ji says that he met with an accident and won’t be able to come. Kareena tell this to everyone. Natasha text Prithvi and ask him to arrange a stand by pandit.

Prithvi tells Everyone that they don’t need to worry. she says that he has arranged another pandit ji and he is on his way. Then Pandit ji arrives and start the wedding rituals. Prithvi tells Sherlyn that everything is happening according to their plan. He says that they always wanted Natasha to get her married to Karan and also they end the chapter of that blackmailer. He says that tomorrow he will go to Dubai and will take all the property of him. Sameer says that now what they will do to stop this wedding. Srishti tries to call Preeta but she didn’t pick up the call.

On the other hand, Rishabh arrives at luthra mansion with Preeta. Preeta comes and stops Karan. Rishabh comes and ask Karan what is he doing? He says that he is already married. He slaps Karan. Karan ask him where was he? He cries so much. Rishabh hugs him. Mahesh comes and ask him where was he and why he left them? Rishabh says that now he is here with them and won’t go anywhere. He says that he went to Dubai because he was upset and decided to settle the business in Dubai. He says but he was got implicated in drug’s case by someone.

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