Pandya Store 5th December 2023 Written Update – Star Plus

episode begins with Dhawal getting a call from the specialist that Natasha can be released now so he requests the excess forthcoming installment from him.

Dhawal goes to the clinic while Natasha acquires awareness and covers the bill without anyone else and Dhawal enters inside her ward yet she closes it all over.

In the interim, Suman discusses the photograph of their children saying that when she used to go to the store then she used to feel their presence.

She says that she was simply seeing the store being annihilated as she was vulnerable though Natasha requests that Dhawal go from that point and she feels powerless.

Natasha cries in a corner while Dhawal likewise cries and demands her to open the entryway however she overlooks then Dhawal goes to take care of her bill yet comes to realize that she has proactively paid it.

In the interim, he sees Natasha leaving the medical clinic and attempts to stop her yet she goes then he understands not to compel her.

Natasha goes to Pandya’s home and sees Suman advising her grandson to begin selling the items in a distributing vehicle.

She requests all from them to get up promptly in the first part of the day while Mithu flies off the handle and says that Natasha didn’t do something worth being thankful for.

He says that she sold out them while Suman attempts to reassure him however he pivots and Cheeku goes to converse with him.

From that point forward, the two of them get the cash which is lying on the floor and afterward Cheeku attempts to persuade Shesh by giving him toffees.

Shesh embraces him and gets profound after that every one of them gives daily encouragement to every one of them which encourages Natasha.

Then, Natasha goes out and cries staying there reviewing Dhara’s assertion that Pandya store is their spirit and she embraces the mainstay of the store saying sorry.

Natasha reviews how her folks began the store and engraved their impressions on the mass of the store.

She reviews Dhawal phrasing how he controlled her so she could wed him and she attempts to set the wall by laying the blocks yet it tumbles down.

She additionally reviews how Dhawal deceived her that he would uphold her in battling for the Pandya store and on the date he was keen on beginning their wedded life.

She again attempts to lay the blocks however they fall and she cries reviewing the manner in which Dhawal bamboozled her while Dhawal comes there and sees her crying there.

Then, at that point, he remains on an alternate side of the wall and starts crying inclination vulnerable for Natasha and the two of them plunk down while Natasha asks him for what valid reason he misled her.

Natasha asks god how might she gather the wrecked bits of the memory connected with the Pandya store.

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