At the beginning of the episode, Angel asks Parmeet to hear her first and if she still finds her wrong then throw her out. Heer grabs her hand and says she make tamasha of her and still asking if she is wrong or right. Angel says let me explain first. She holds her hand and asks her to come with her. Preeto asks where she is going with her grandchild. Angels say Bangkok.
Preeto recalls how once Maharani kidnapped Soumya and brought her there even her son went behind him. Angels say don’t worry we are not going there. Angel adds she put this kind of makeup on Heer’s face because she is not a mother thus she is incomplete. And an incomplete person is Kinnar so if Heer becomes the mother she becomes a complete woman. And that’s what she wants to teach Virat.
Parmeet says she like her doing. Her way is a bit different but still very thoughtful. Heer asks Angel to come with her and help her in removing makeup. Angel apologizes if she feels bad. Heer says no problem She understand she did it for her. Preeto asks Virat to show her Angel’s room. Virat says okay and they then go to Angel’s room.
There Angel is helping Heer and thinks that she is sure that Preeto will find something in her room but she has another plan to cooperate with this situation. Later Heer tells Angel she is going to the kitchen to make dinner. While Angels think to proceed with her second plan. She notices Parmeet and asks her to come with her. As she has medicine for Heer which make her pregnant soon. Parmeet asks if carries these kinds of stuff all the time. Angel says as a servant yes.
Parmeet and Angel move towards Angel’s room and they then notice Preeto and Virat there. Parmeet asks what are they doing here. Virat says he lost his watch thus searching for it. Angels ask if they think she stole it. Preeto says that a lie, the main reason is she suspects Angel thus she came to her room. Parmeet says why she is so insecure when things come to Heer. Virat makes Parmeet understand that Preeto is afraid of losing her grandchild as she already lost her son, so try and understand.
Angel provokes Parmeet by saying Preeto doesn’t want Heer to become pregnant. This thing Preeto and Virat hears. Preeto asks Virat to tells everyone that Heer can’t conceive a child. But Virat reveals that he can’t become a father. This news hits everyone’s mind.