Yeh Hain Chahtein 15 October :Preesha is happy for Rudrakash

At the beginning of the episode, Kirti said that she would help Rudrakash by removing all the bans, and in return, she would be going with Rudrakash on his concert tour. Rudrakash was a little confused and asked her motive behind this deal. Then Kirti said his father is a big politician and doesn’t motivate her for singing. So she requested Balraj to make her a big superstar like Rudrakash and for which she will remove all the ban from Rudrakash music. Kirti moved her hand towards Balraj for confirmation of the deal.

Neerja was standing near the dower and suddenly Rahul came and Neerja gets frightened. Rahul asked her why she was standing here, then Neerja said that she taking a pen from this dower. Then Neerja moved out from there. After she left Rahul open the Dower with the key and searched for the IPad and after seeing it he was relaxed. Secretly Neerja was peeping and thanking herself to bring a second IPad which looks similar to the original one.

Balraj thumbs-up to Kirti’s deal and gave her an assurance that he will make her a big star. Kirti joyfully hugged Rudrakash and said to him not to include her in the playgirls list, as she loves her bond with Preesha and praised their bond. And also said that Rudrakash fans mostly call him “ruussh” (the combination of Preesha and Rudrakash name). After Kirti left Mr. Ahuja said Balraj to not join the tour with Rudrakash for the passing incident, it can affect the CONCERT. He also added that Preesha should go with Rudrakash which will help the concert to become hit, and it will also clean Rudrakash image.

Rahul gets to know that Rudrakash will be the main singer in the concert and soon all the bans would be removed from her. Rahul said to Yuvraj that he will remove Mr, Ahuja from the music industry. Yuvraj suddenly noticed Neerja’s reflection in the mirror and immediately turned and said Neerja that why she troubled herself for the coffee. Yuvraj doubts on Neerja’s actions.

Kirti came to Khurana’s house with good news. Then Rudrakash introduced Kirti to the other members of the house. While Kirti was Hugging Swarna, she speaks in her mind that soon she will make everything clear to Swarna. Then to tease Preesha Rudrakash requested Kirti to come with him to his room and help him in the packing.

At the table, while having dinner Yuvraj said Rahul that he feels Neerja is with Preesha and she is planning something big. Rahul denied to hiss all allegations and said he has full faith in Neerja. Yuvraj though of catching Neerja red-handed next time.

Neerja called and acknowledged her about the original video of that CCTV footage. And then she called and said the shop owner to transfer all the data in a pen drive. Preesha gets little relief. Then Preesha was searching for Rudrakash in the house and came across with Ahana. Then Ahana said Rudrakash has gone out with Kirti and tried to instigate Preesha, but Preesha acted normally and took that in a positive sense.

Episode end……

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