Qurbaan Hua 29 January 2021 Written Update – Chahat got a shocking news

At the beginning of the episode, Chahat served the dinner when Neel came back from Vyas Ji. Neel was feeling hesitate to tell her that he already did his dinner inside with Vyas Ji. Chahat felt happy as Neel acknowledged her that he did his dinner with them. Neel was surprised as he was expecting that Chahat would be angry after knowing that. The next morning Chahat got a tiffin made by Neel and felt happy. Chahat was about to go she saw a box in which she found Saraswati’s bangles. Chahat thought that Vyas Ji kept it here for her.

Neel was talking with Bhupender over call about his current situation suddenly he saw Badi Ammi was crossing the road and was about to hit with a car but Neel saved her. Neel asked her why you were walking with such carelessness. Badi Ammi said because of your marriage we are facing a financial problem and no one is helping us. Badi Ammi acknowledged Neel that Dr.Baigh’s hospital is standing in the auction. Neel was worrying that because of their love everyone is suffering. Chahat was calling Neel to inform him about the bangles but he didn’t pick the call. Godhambhari called Chahat and said her to bring sweets from the market while returning as Vyas Ji demanded. Chahat gets happy as she thought that he had accepted them.

Chahat came back home with sweets and gave them to Godhambhari. Chahat saw decorations and asked her for what reason all these decorations are done. Godhambhari told Chahat that Vyas Ji has organized a function. Chahat started helping them with the decorations. Alekh came to Chahat and gave her 2 plates of silver and said these are specially brought for you both. Chahat called Neel and informed him about everything. Neel was wondering that hoe Vyas Ji changed his mind so quickly. Vyas Ji came out and saw all the decorations. Vyas Ji told Godhambhari to gives a piece of sweets to Chahat as she is important for the function. Chahat was about to pick Suddenly she saw the same bangles on Godhambhari’s hand and got Surprised.

Chahat got to know that they were artificial and was not given by Vyas Ji as Godhambhari threw them in the dustbin. Vyas Ji informed Chahat that this function is organized because your father’s hospital is about to sell. Chahat was shocked to hear this and Neel came over there. Vyas Ji told Neel to have these sweets to prove that you respect Saraswati. Neel said I don’t need to prove my love for Saraswati. Chahat took that sweet and gave it to Neel. Chahat said it is an occasion of happiness. Afterwards, Chahat gets angry at Neel.

Episode end

Qurbaan Hua 29 January 2021 Written Update – चाहत को एक चौंकाने वाली खबर मिली

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