Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei 15 October 2021 written update -Millind is drunk!

At the beginning of the episode, Chiku tells Nupur there is a guy in her “basti” who drunks a lot like Millind uncle. Nupur says he doesn’t usually drink someone might have forced him to consume it. Nupur started cleaning the dining table. Chiku tells her to go to Millind Uncle rest she will clean it. Nupur says we will meet in the morning. Chiku thought she need to do something as Nupur aunty is very much hurt.

Kamini was praising Subodh for making Millind drunk so much. She says we need to do something before it gets too late. She says we need to drag Chiku out of the house before they got to know about her reality. There Millind was talking to himself and saying everything got over. Suddenly Chiku came inside the room and gives him a glass of water. Milind shouts at her and told her to get out of this room. Chiku says after he will drink the water she will immediately leave. Millind drinks the water and slept. Chiku removed his shoes and covered him with a blanket. Chiku picks the alcohol bottle and empties it.

Kamini took out all the bottles. Subodh says he can’t share all these with Millind as these are his favorite. She tells him to think about what would happen if Millind consumes all this. Kamini tells him to focus on the big target as after that he can buy these many more.

Chiku came back to the room. Nupur asks why she didn’t sleep yet. She tells Nupur to sing a song which she would sing for Millind. Nupur sings a song and there Millind misses Nupur.

The next morning Chiku went to Millind’s room with water. He tells her to go out of this room. Chiku ask yesterday he was totally drunk and this is only called a hangover. Milind told her not to speak such words and go from here. Chiku made him understand that he shouldn’t drink this much as he was not able to walk properly. Chiku asks him to promise that he won’t drink anymore then only she will leave. Millind says fine just leave from here. Chiku thought one problem she fixed now she need to bring them close.

Later Subodh came to Milind with drinks. He denied having it. Subodh tries to manipulate him so that he consumes it. Eventually, Milind says let’s drink but not more than one glass. While holding the glass Millind members about the promise which he gave to Chiku.

Upcoming story – Nupur went to question that why he consumed alcohol as once he promised that won’t touch it. Millind told her not to interfere in his life. Kamini spotted Chikku with a bag and she gets scared.