Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei 6 October 2021 written update – Chikoo Is Ostracized!

At the beginning of the episode, Chiku went inside, and after that Nupur came in. There Rangoli was scolding kids by saying that they have raised their standard of living so how they can adjust with her. Sulab requests her to let them live there as Orphanage is more. They all requested Rangoli to forgive them for the last time. She told them that they will get punishment so that they won’t repeat it. Tanki, ask where is Chiku whether she will also get her scolding.

Chiku was admiring the house and thinking the house is so big that she might get lost in it. Nupur came and tells Chiku to come with me she will take her to the guest room. Suddenly they came across Kamini’s kids and they mocked Chiku. Nupur told them not to laugh like this and Shake hands with her. Kamini came and told them to stay away from this girl as her hands might be dirty.

Rangoli tells them that no one will take Chiku’s name in this house. Tanki was taking Chiku’s name so Rangoli decided to punish him first. There Nupur took Chiku to her father-in-law and tells her that she can call him dadu and here no one will trouble her. Nupur went back to her room and sat beside Millind. Suddenly Savitri came and told her not to talk with him as she is just a guest over here. Nupur says she just came to take her stuff. Nupur apologies for his condition. Milind says it wasn’t her problem as it was just an accident. Nupur says thanks for understanding her. There Kamini kids were bullying Chiku. Millind said she sacrificed her relationship for an unknown girl so now there is not left between us. Savitri tells Nupur to take her stuff and go back from here.

Sulab was telling them that because of Nupur we got stuck here. Kamini’s kids spoil the holy offering but Savitri scolds her as the ball was in her hand. Chiku was about, to tell the truth, but Kamini slapped her. Nupur shouts at Kamini for behaving like this with Nupur. Kamini says if she will point my kids then she might slap her again. Suddenly Subodh came and told her she don’t have such a right to misbehave with her wife. Nupur warns Kamini that if she repeats this then she might crost her limits.

Chiku was missing Rangoli and the time spent with her. Nupur came and knocked on the door. Chiku says leave her alone. Nupur says it’s fine but in yet afternoon comes downstairs for the puja she will be there itself.

Upcoming Story – Kamini objects that Chiku can’t sit in the puja. Nupur went to Chiku’s room but she was missing from there. later she found Chiku in a cupboard lying unconscious.