Qurbaan Hua 23 January 2021 Written Update – Vyas Ji tried to kill himself

At the beginning of the episode, Judge denied court marriage as there was no one with them to be the proof of this marriage. Jamunaprashad cursed Vyas Ji for performing death rituals and poured water on the fire. Jamunaprashad said I would bring Neel and Chahat to this house. Jamunaprashad told Godhambhari to prepare for their welcome and went to take them.

Mr Rehmat took the jewellery which he gave to Gazala for her election. After he went, Gazala got angry and thought of killing them. Badi Ammi scolded Gazala for planning to kill her own daughter.

Two priests came inside the office and said we would be proof of their marriage. They informed that they came here to support them as they saw on tv about their love. Neel and Chahat completed all the formalities of court marriage. While Neel was distributing sweets, few men came to beat Neel, but at the same moment, Jamunaprashad came there with few men and saved Neel from them. Jamunaprashad told them to come back home and said not to worry abound, Vyas Ji, as he would be melted, after seeing you both together.

Jamunaprashad came back home with Neel and Chahat. Godhambhari told them shamelessly for coming back to this house and denied to accept them. Vyas Ji stopped Godhambhari and said, good to see you. Vyas Ji said it’s nice you came to see me for the last time as I can never believe my son married a girl of another cast. Vyas Ji said it is better to kill someone despite giving a blessing to you. Vyas Ji aimed the gun on his chest and fired the bullet.

Vyas fell and fainted. Everyone took Vyas Ji inside the house. Alekh was not allowing Neel to touch Vyas Ji. The doctor came, and Aelkh said Jamunaprashad to take Neel from here as he is the reason behind all things. Chahat was praying for Vyas Ji outside the house. Neel also thought of praying for Vyas Ji. Godhambhari came to Chahat and taunts her for praying for her religion in this house. Neel told her to go and look after Vyas Ji, and sit there with Chahat for praying to God.

episode end

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Qurbaan Hua 23 January 2021 Written Update – व्यास जी ने खुद को मारने की कोशिश की

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